Desperate for some hope please

My dad now 74,  was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer October 23, after quite a few rounds of chemo he was finally offered the whipple, they had also found an abscess on his liver but said they didn’t think it as cancer so he had the whippple surgery  June 24. They said they got everything out and it went well. We celebrated! However my dad’s recovery was very slow, he’s been in and out of hospital since June. He was meant to start more chemo to mop up everything, he’s not been able to do this cause they were concerned about what they thought was an abscess on the liver originally so they did a biopsy after this he was getting a lot of pain in his stomach, we waited and waited for the results and the first set back was to say it wasn’t an infection, then Friday 6th of September they got the results back and unfortunately they said it’s mets on the liver and possibly on the stomach lining. We were floored because  this “top man” who did the biopsy had said “if I was a betting man then I would say this is just in infection” so we just not prepared or ready for this news. As my dad is still so poorly they have said if he has chemo it may only give him 3-6 months, but we don’t think he will be well enough.
He’s  in pain but the morphine makes him feel sick and the anti sickness tablets don’t help so he’s not eating, Looking for any hope! Anything to help us, any help or support please. My family is just broken, I have not stopped crying or trying to find something online to help or give us hope. Thank you 

  • Hello Florida30 and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I noticed you haven't had a reply to your post just yet so I just wanted to stop by to say how sorry I am to hear about your dad and to reassure you that your post has been seen.

    Finding out about the mets on your dad's liver and that the chemo may only give him 3 - 6 months if he is well enough to have it, must have been incredibly difficult and upsetting. I can't begin to imagine what you and your family must be going through at the moment but I hope you can take some strength, and comfort, from knowing that our community are here for you and I'm sure some of our members who have been in this very difficult and unfortunate position with their loved ones will be along soon to offer you their support and advice.

    If you'd like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very informative, and understanding, and they will do all they can to help and support you at this time.

    We're thinking of you Florida30 and sending all our support to you and your family at this very challenging time.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much for replying and for your kind words. 
    I will give them a call because I do feel like we have some questions and concerns. 
    thank you so much 

  • I hope the nurses were / are able to give some help / reassurance

  • Thank you Mary, he’s not in pain now but we don’t have long left. 

  • I hold out my hand to you just as you are holding his.

  • I lost my Mother in law to pancreatic cancer that had metastasised virtually everywhere and it was so quick and so sad to lose such an amazing and beloved lady. I'm glad to hear that your Dad is no longer in pain and my thoughts are with you at this heartbreaking time.

  • Thank you for replying and I am so sorry about your mother in law, they have said with dad it will just spread everywhere. I’m struggling as he’s not eaten in over a week and he can’t swallow or drink now and he asks to go but he also doesn’t want to go. 
    Everyday feels like torture but I am also so grateful I get little moments with him when he was awake. 
    I’m so sorry to ask but did you find your mother in law was just laying there each day waiting to go? I feel like we are just slowly killing him as no food, no fluid etc but he’s still fighting everyday. Xx

  • I'm so sorry I didn't reply sooner, life has been a bit hectic. She remained awake and fairly alert right until the end but she wasn't eating either although she was on a drip for fluids. She knew that she was going and I think she didn't want to miss out on anything, my Father in law didn't leave her side and was allowed to stay with her overnight and her children and Grandchildren were with her for as long as we were all allowed to be. I worried about tiring her out but she said that she'd rather we were all there because soon she wouldn't be. The last few days were really hard, she was very lucid and so scared, she was so tiny and her eyes looked huge and we had a conversation when I finally got 5 minutes alone with her and she said she was so worried about how everyone was going to cope without her but she said she needed to go because she couldn't stand the pain anymore. My oldest daughter was listening outside of her room and she came in and laid on her bed and cuddled up with her and told her that we'd all look after Granddad, my Father in law and 2 hours later she passed away. The position you're in is absolutely awful and I really feel for you. The only thing that I can say is that you cherish every moment that he's lucid, reassure him that he's much loved and tell him that it's okay to go now, he doesn't have to suffer anymore. The hospitals are generally really on top of it but if he expresses any pain don't be afraid to ask for more pain relief for him, at this stage the nurses and doctors will just want to make him as comfortable as he possibly can be. I really wish I could give you a hug, the situation is dreadful, you don't want to lose him but you don't want him to suffer anymore, I really do feel for you. You are both in my thoughts x

  • Thank you for replying, my dad unfortunately passed away on the 18th, we are absolutely devastated. Just can’t believe how quick it all was. Did your mother in law have the Covid jab by any chance? I have been seeing a lot more about this turbo cancer and my dad had everything you could then got pancreatic cancer. 
    I just feel very angry and keep going over things constantly.