DC invasive

Just diagnosed with Ductal invasive cancer . Told of her2 need chemo. Already have left bundle branch block of heart worried chemo will affect this. Anyone on chemo had heart problems before ?

  • Has anyone had her2 negative er positive and 22mm and had surgery first then just radiotherapy?

  • Hi Gareece,

    I'm glad to hear that your results are better than they could have been. Have thy said what stage your cancer is? It is great news that you don't seem to need chemo.

    Jolamine xx

  • So good news today in terms that I got surgery date in Oct. Got date for mag seed n pre op for next week and had dye injected for lymph nodes . They said I. Can go on my holiday for a week end of September. The original insurer cancelled as wont cover my unexpected diagnosis. Does anyone know a not over priced insurer I can with for insurance pre op. ? Nurse said after op I'm considered cancer free. So for our Xmas holiday they have also said I. Can go on I will look to reinsure. Any advise much appreciated xx