DC invasive

Just diagnosed with Ductal invasive cancer . Told of her2 need chemo. Already have left bundle branch block of heart worried chemo will affect this. Anyone on chemo had heart problems before ?

  • Hello Gareece, 

    A warm welcome to our forum though I am sorry to hear you have just been diagnosed with ductal invasive cancer and I hope that you will meet other ladies on our forum who have been diagnosed with the same type of cancer and who have been through chemotherapy.  for example posted this thread over a year ago but found herself in a similar place and actually I just noticed she mentioned in a response in her thread something about her chemotherapy treatment being changed at the time after the oncologist found out a family history of heart issues - don't hesitate to respond to this member's thread and I hope that you will be able to connect with other ladies who have had a similar diagnosis and treatment plan. I would if I were you make sure that your oncologist is fully aware of your heart problems and make sure you tell them all the details of these heart issues so that they can adapt the treatment if needed. 

    Don't hesitate also to ring our nurse helpline on this free number 0808 800 4040 if you have any questions or simply wanted to talk things through with them. There are so many questions sometimes racing through our minds after a diagnosis and our friendly nurses are there for you anytime you have the slightest doubt about anything or wanted to ask any kind of advice. They are available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I will now let our members who have been through something similar before come and say hello and tell you more about their own story. 

    Best wishes and I hope that your treatment will go well,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Gareece,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. 

    As our moderator Lucie advises, make sure to let your care team know exactly what your heart problems are, as soon as possible. The sooner they know of the problem, the sooner they can arrange a work around.

    It is normal for anyone who is about to have chemo, to have their heart tested prior to treatment. When the results of this are known, the decision will be made by your care team, as to whether or not the chemo can go ahead. There are different types of chemo, so sometimes an adjustment is all that will be needed.

    I do hope that your chemo can still go ahead. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you jolamine. I'm fingers crossed the her2 might be negative as was equivocal. Then hopefully course of treatment will change. We also have a family holiday booked for Xmas n new year .two years in the making and we are taking my daughter and her two young boys and my son. I'm praying so hard we don't have to. Cancel. No holiday for them this year as we kept saying we are going for Xmas. I know health comes first but we won't get to do it again as youngest will prob want to be at home next year for Santa xxx shock diagnosis from screening in early August . The waiting for results is just the worst xx

  • Hi Gareece,

    Getting a shock diagnosis from this, as a result of screening, does hit you "like a ton of bricks". However, it's just as well that we have routine screening, or it might never be picked up. As I'm sure you already know, the sooner a cancer is found, the better the outcome is likely to be. I do hope that this turns out to be HER 2 negative.

    Make sure that you mention your planned holiday with the family, when you next see your consultant. They may be able to work around your treatment, if they know in advance. I agree about waiting for results - this was one of the worst parts of my cancer journeys. Do you know when you are likely to start chemo?

     Please keep in touch and remember, that we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi jolamine. 

    Nurse said when her2 is back ,fingers crossed end of week ,I'll know be in next 4:weeks either treatment start or surgery . How is your journey? I have a holistic call with Macmillan's in the morning.

    How is your journey ?

    Gareece xx

  • Hi Gareece,

    I hope that your HER 2 results come in soon and that they are negative. I am glad to hear that you have arranged for a call with someone from Macmillan tomorrow and trust that you will find this helpful.

    I am now 14 years down the line from diagnosis. I had a lumpectomy and 6 lymph nodes removed initially. I then took Tamoxifen for 1 year. Six months later, I found a lump in my other breast. This turned out to be pre-cancerous. A year after my first surgery, I developed a lump in my original breast, which was another cancer. Both of my cancers were Pure Mucinous, Stage 1.  A year after the lumpectomy, I had a double mastectomy, followed by Letrozole for 6½ years.

    I am fortunate that I still lead a busy and fulfilling life now, although there were a few bumps in the road, at the beginning of my journey.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Wow. What a journey. How wonderful your cancer free and having a lovely life. Legend comes to mind! And how positive and reassuring you are for others 

    Thank you Jolamine xx

  • Hi Gareece,

    This will be a tricky few months for you, but you will come through it all. How did your chat with Macmillan go?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi jolamine. 

    Macmillans didn't keep appointment,it was a telephone appointment,just didn't hear from them! Still no news there's an MDT tomorrow so hoping nurse will ring me after that. 

    Have a lovely day

    Gareece xx

  • I had good news in the face of what's not good news. I am her2 negative 

     So hopefully surgery soon xxx