DCIS high grade

Hi. I was diagnosed in January 2024 with DCIS high grade 50mm. The breast team were amazing, especially my lovely surgeon.

I had a lumpectomy on my right breast followed by radiotherapy in April. At present I am struggling with pain I have a solid hard lump. It’s tender to touch. I am unable to sleep on that side due to the pain. I have phoned the breast nurse and I have an appointment on the 25th September. I am wondering if anyone else is suffering this and is it normal.

  • Hello Koc64

    I'm sorry to hear that following treatment for DCIS earlier this year you're now struggling with some pain. It's good to hear that you've already spoken with your breast care nurse and that you have an appointment within the next few weeks. 

    In the meantime you could make an appointment with your GP for some advice on pain relief. Or, if you would prefer to chat things through with one of our nurses you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Do keep in touch Koc64 and let us know how you get on on the 25th. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Koc64

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling with pain and can’t sleep.

    Have you managed to get any help from your GP?

    I have a hard lump of scar tissue after two operations for DCIS. Sometimes I haven’t been able to get comfortable at night. I have had help from the cancer care nurses at the hospital and therapists at the Well Being centre.

    If I was so uncomfortable and couldn’t sleep at night, I would find it hard to wait until the 25th September.

  • Offline in reply to Jstaves

    Thank you for your reply. At present it is difficult to get a doctor’s appointment. Hopefully I will get some reassurance from the hospital as to what is going on. 

  • Offline in reply to Koc64

    Oh no ….. fingers crossed that you’ll get some reassurance from the hospital. 
    Take care x