Having real bad trouble peeing have to force it out no blood or pain when I finally have a pee last years PSA was 2.8 started medication last week but still no peeing as often I get the sensation but nothing comes out when I go toilet 

  • Hi 125dud,and welcome to the forum, if your not passing urine you need to see a doctor again quickly and if it's difficult to see your GP with it being a bank holiday you should go to your local A &E,I am assuming your taking alpha blockers, to help you pee, these usually start working in a few hours, no improvement in a week needs to be looked into. As your posting on a cancer forum, i ban guess your concerned it might be cancer, but it wouldn't be top of my list there are other more likely reasons for your symptoms and your PSA is good. PS pain or no pain, and bleeding or not are not an indicator of cancer. please see your doctor, best wishes.
