Newly diagnosed with Prostrate Cancer


I am a 63 yo male have recently been diagnosed with prostrate cancer which doctors believe has spread to my spine. Was given a Xrays/CT scan and MRI scan whilst in hospital as I lost mobility and could hardly stand never mind walk. Since diagnosis I have been for a Bone scan and due another MRI scan tomorrow and started a course of Hormone treatment.

I am very confused with regards to Gleason scores and have no idea what PSA levels are will this be explained to me as very confused on treatments available to me at the moment

Thank you

  • Hi freddy61 and welcome, so sorry to hear you have prostate cancer, have you had a biopsy as this will give you your Gleason score, the lower the score the more cancer cells look like normal cells, the higher the score the more mutated and aggressive they can be, it will also give you your TNM staging which will determine your treatment options, PSA levels are used as an indicator during diagnosis and are far more useful later when monitoring how your treatment is working. All this, and any questions you have will be answered by your doctors, my best wishes with your results, take care.


  • Thank you for the reply eddiel its all a blur to me at the moment. I have not had a biopsy as yet hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later just worried that I am not be given information I need (hopefully mark this down to early days). Thanks again.

  • Hi Freddy, you are welcome, being told you have cancer is a shock, we all have a difficult time in the beginning, going through tests, waiting for results and treatment to start is the toughest time. It's a little unusual to start hormone therapy before your biopsy, but it's good that you have, I know it's all new to you and may decide to do some research but please don't use Dr Google, prostate cancer uk, Macmillan and this one are the ones you can trust, though I'm sure your doctors will answer any questions you have, once you have your TNM staging you will understand better what to ask, PS your staging, mine looks like this T4 N2 M1a, best wishes .
