Vulval Cancer

I was diagnosed yesterday by letter  - a bit of a shock as the consultant had said she didn’t think it was cancer.   The results of the biopsy showed basal cell carcinoma.  
Anyone else had this cancer?    I’d be thankful for some advice.  

  • Hello Francesca3000

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been given the news that you have vulval cancer. It's understandable that it was a shock particularly as you've said that the Consultant didn't initially think that it was. I hope that the letter you received has either given you the date for an appointment with your Consultant or the contact number for a cancer nurse specialist that you can contact for advice and support. 

    We do have information on our website about vulval cancer that you may find helpful. We have a few ladies who have been through treatment for this cancer on the forum. I'm going to tag in  in my reply here. You can read a little bit about her story by clicking on her name and hopefully, she may pop along to say hello. 

    We also have a team of nurses that you can call to talk with if you think that may help at any point. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information, and support they can. 

    Hopefully, over the coming days, you will have some more information from your specialist and they will be able to give you some reassurance as well. 

    Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Francesca

    I have Stage 3c vulva cancer. Like you when I had my first biopsy I was told "it's probably nothing" then 6 weeks later I was told it was cancer. I've had 2 operations, 25 radiotherapy sessions and 5 chemo.

    It was definitely a shock - I was only 36 when I was diagnosed. If you've got any questions about it or just want to chat feel free to reply here or send me a message..... I'm happy to talk about it.


  • Thank you so much for your reply.  My goodness you’ve really gone through it I hope that you’re in a good place now.   Was your cancer Basal Cell or Sqaumous Cell or another? 
    I have an appt with gynae/oncologist next Friday.  So hoping treatment will start then.   
    One of my main worries is the amount pubic hair I have in the area.  My letter suggests surgery.  
    not sure you can answer this ….If areas of tissue are  removed and hair follicles are involved doesn’t that cause further issues.    I’m 76 - I think the amount of hair I have is due to past hospital procedures.  
    Up until 80/90s Every hospital procedure I’ve had involved ‘shaving’

    As you are so young I di hope that you are in a good place and doing well.   Best Wishes  xxx

  • Hi

    It's Squamous Cell. Have they said much to you about what treatment you are going to have?

    I had a total vulvectomy then a reconstruction using skin from my thighs for the first surgery so I lost all that area - hair and all! I do get hair growing back but not as much as before and I've never had any issues around hair follicles.


  • Hi I’m assuming your name is Hayley,

    Mine has been diagnosed as Basal Cell.   Caused by exposure to the sun!!!!  I’ve never  exposed my ‘bits’ to the sun.   

    The letter I’ve received is very reassuring offering surgery to remove and cure.   Again, I suppose until they open you up to see how far it’s spread  - they won’t know.    

    I do hope you are now in a good place    Has your treatment ended or are you still going?  
    I’m in Cornwall     Xx

  • This forum is very for support of patients going through similar experiences. X

  • Hi

    Yes its finished....I have to get to 5 years before I'm classed as clear though. Have you had a date for surgery?


  • I’ll find out at my next appt on 23rd.   Atm - I’m sat with letters and info leaflets about cancer. 

    just waiting ..xxxx