New Liver Met recurrence

I was diagnosed for stage 4 Colorectal cancer with 1 Met in Liver in Jan 2020, had an aggressive treatment and cleared off cancer in Dec 2020. In Apr 2022 had a 1 cm recurrence in peritoneal surface, it was resected, and I was once again free from disease till I had my scans in Feb 2024. Unfortunately, when I had scans in July, they found a new Met recurrence in Liver, it shows up on MRI and not on CT, but they are confident it is a recurrence. I just met the Consultant they are going to present my case in MDT and planning to resect it and put me on Chemo. I'm feeling very sad and frustrated that after 2-year of clean scans this new stuff popped out.

They said chemo after resection is good which will control the risk of recurrence. 

Not sure how do I get ready for one more treatment. Feeling very sad

  • Sorry to hear this and I do think once we have had cancer there will always be that fear of it happening again but you are obviously strong and got through before and can do again don’t lose heart positivity counts for a lot.

    i have same but my colon is stage 1 I have two mets in my liver along with a large hemangioma but have been told all operable will hopefully know when next week. 
    take care x

  • Sorry to hear your condition. I'm sure you will get through this. thanks for your words.

    I accept it and move strongly but when I see my wife and kids who also through these emotions with me, I feel frustrated, and I feel I'm the reason and I think I'm unable to keep them happy. They were with me from Jan 2020. 

    let's hope for the best

  • Aw I know exactly how you feel my husband cried everytime he looked at me made me feel so guilty they just care and people keep saying need to let them in but it’s hard 

    try to be kind to yourself they are probably more scared than you and am sure they are happy just worried as we all are

    friend told me if you write down what you feeling before going to bed then burn it it works in helping to empty your mind and get things out not tried it yet but they swear by it. 

  • l can understand how you feel having gone through similar myself. Unfortunately you get ready because you have little choice, just crack on and determine that you have more staying power than your cancer visitor does.

    When you have been diagnosed previously as stage 4, you are always aware of the possibility of it returning hence the five years of checks post surgery, only then are you given the cancer free statement, until then its a case of no presence identified.

    Your journey is not quite over yet, but take heart that it is not aggressive but persistent, and that you are capable of finally seeing it off.

    Hopefully this is the final skirmish and it goes well, quickly and does not get in the way of you and your family getting on and enjoying life,

    Every success,


  • thanks David. Today my treatment plan is finalized they will put me on chemo which i have to take once in three weeks and they will ablate the liver lesion. I hope this chemo is manageable compared to the worst chem i had for my primary colorectal tumor in 2020, each chemo lasted for 48 hrs infusion through port. I hope for the best and finger crossed.

  • Had a PET scan and to my luck PET results are completely negative similar to CT. PET confirms no active lesions or disease anywhere in the body.

    Now Drs are bit confused. I was about to start the Chemo yesterday, but they have put my treatment on HOLD. They said, they will do the MDT and revert to me.

    Fingers crossed - I hope it ends up nothing

  • they are going ahead with MRI results they said it is below the resolution of PET. Looks like the people in MDT compared all the images and confirmed that it is consistent with solitary MET. Starting chemo from Wednesday - I hope treatment works well 

  • That’s good news wishing you all the best hope it goes well x 

  • I was hoping they would agree with PET as it negated MRI but they said MRI is very powerful.

  • How are you doing now? 
    my dad had pancreatic cancer went through the whipple which was such a massive operation! And after lots of chemo and the whipple they said he had something on his liver and possibly stomach lining now, however the radiologist said if he was a betting man he would say it’s not cancer and looks like an infection. The biopsy came back saying no infection and then on Friday we got the news it is cancer, we are absolutely devastated. 
    What did they say about the chemo for the met? 
    I hope you are feeling ok! Sorry you are going through this.