Bowel cancer

Hi.just been diagnosed with Bowel cancer, quite a large tumour in ascending colon thats broke through the wall, small spots on lungs and pelvis ( pet scan soon to check) also possible peritoneal disease, feeling reaĺly worried and scared.

  • Hi Kathy just came to say hope all goes ok next week, il be thinkjng of you x

  • Thank you so much Sylvia. It’s been brought forward a day now to Wednesday so less time for me to stress about it, I’ll keep you posted how it goes x

  • Oh thats good that theyve brought it forward.hope it all goes ok,im sure youll be fine x

  • Hi Sylvia just hopping on to say I’m back in the land of the living. The operation went well and they seem happy with the join. The after pain was not as bad as I anticipated (morphine was good) and am now back home after only 4 days in hospital. I hope this gives you a bit of comfort when it’s time for your surgery. Hugs x 

  • Hi Kathy,really pleased to hear yr operation went well ,only 4 days in hospital wow that's fantastic ,any advice what i need to take in when I go in for mine,I'm feeling a bit nervous now waiting for my result,hope you are managing to rest at home a s being looked after xx

  • Thank you, my hubby has turned into Florence nightingale so definitely being looked after well. Take some lip balm as you will be a bit dehydrated, cosy dressing gown as I found it got chilly at night and upsize on pants. I wouldn’t take anything with a waistband as you won’t want anything touching your tummy. The days and nights are long once you are onto day 2 post op so if you can take an iPad with Netflix loaded on and some earphones, it passed a lot of time for me. Try not worry too much about your results they’re rarely as bad as we imagine in our heads. My tumour and lymph nodes have gone off to pathology and I’m forcing myself to think positive. Let me know when your op is and I’ll keep you in my prayers x 

  • Hi Sylvia, you have been in my thoughts,  just wondering how you are holding up and if you have had a date for you surgery? 

  • Hi Kathy lovely to hear from you,hope the recovery is going well,not so good news with me i m afraid,had meeting with surgeon last Tuesday and unfortunately the pet scan shows  it has spread to my lungs and pelvis so I'l b e having chemo first,just waiting to hear if I need another colonoscopy first (whoo hoo),sounds daft but before the meeting id got it in my head that it had spread all over such as in my liver and bones so the fact it's just my lungs and pelvis I was a little relieved, xx

  • I know it’s crazy isn’t it that you can be relieved that it’s only on your lungs and pelvis but I know exactly where you’re coming from, 2 sites is dealable whereas all over would have been a disaster. They know their stuff and I’m sure they want to zapp those 2 areas first before having to wait for you to recover from your op. Keep the faith and stay strong. They didn’t say anything to me in the hospital just that they had sent everything off to the lab but I’ve deciphered from my discharge notes (T3 n1) that they have found cancer in some of the lymph nodes so will definitely be chemo for me I think. We can be chemo buddies comparing side effects. Take care xx