Treatment choice for melanoma

My melanoma was found in my lymph node.  My CT scan is clear and I haven offered immunotherapy or targeted treatment.  I am having great difficulty deciding which to choose.

  • Sorry to hear this, it's quite a common side effect but I hope you recover quickly and can restart problem free. I know they can reduce the doses if you continue with this problem. Do you have a skin cancer nurse you can speak to? Mine have been brilliant with any questions I have. Or the Melanoma Focus helpline? I have ongoing nausea and occasional diarrhoea, small price to pay to hopefully prevent the cancer coming back. I'm on month 7 now and coping OK. 

  • Thank you for the positive reply.  I will ring nurse tomorrow.  I have felt anxious, thinking how ill I felt and whether these side affects will pass.

  • At least if it does happen again you will know what to do. I hope your team can guide you through it. Don't feel like you are alone though, there will be so many melanoma patients who will have had this treatment and let you know how theirs went. I remember feeling so overwhelmed when I started the treatment but that soon passes and it becomes second nature.