Treatment choice for melanoma

My melanoma was found in my lymph node.  My CT scan is clear and I haven offered immunotherapy or targeted treatment.  I am having great difficulty deciding which to choose.

  • I am so so sorry to hear this, so sad for someone so young. More education is needed on the severity of melanoma, it was described to me as a dandelion, you can pull the weed out but it has already scattered it's seeds which may or may not germinate, a lifetime of worrying that it will come back. Too many people dismiss it as a cancer that is easily treated simply by cutting it out, if only. 

    Sending you love and strength I_lost_an_angel

  • If you do have immunotherapy I'd be really interested to compare your treatment to mine. I know you would probably have it monthly but be good to compare side effects etc. 

  • Thank you for your kind words it means a lot. Wish I could take a break but I can't funeral costs with cremation are around 8 grand for what she wants and why not but guess I'm not going to get a break away

    Thank you once again

  • My daughter had immunotherapy and she never experienced anything nasty just a little tired all in all but nothing major like chemotherapy or radiotherapy 

  • Gosh, that's a lot but hope it gives you comfort knowing you are giving her the send off she wanted. 

  • Hello

    I’ve just read this chat & seen you’re having a sentinel lymph node biopsy, I have been to the hospital today and been offered this procedure… did you say yes immediately, my husband was very concerned about the side effects and the recovery? I’ve been sent away to think about it, the nurses did go heavy on the effects and what could go wrong , this has really worried me!

  • Hi Whitty, I did opt to have two lymph nodes removed and so glad I did.  They found a melanoma deposit in the one, so at least I now know its no longer there.

    My melanoma was only 2.2mm and not ulcerated, so I was part of the 20% of unlucky people.

    I must say that having it done the same time as the wider excision, meant that it was just an added procedure. 

    I have had fluid build up in my foot and ankle, as the node was in my groin.  I massage it and keep my leg up when possible and it is know getting back to normal.

    That is the only side affect I have had so can honestly say that it has been a benefit having it done.

    I now have to decide on which further treatment to have.

    Hope this helps with your decision. 

  • I will have to make the decision this week and someone recommended melanoma focus group.  I have found it very informative.  Will definitely let you know how I get on.

  • I decided to go with the targeted therapy.  I started last Saturday and it hit me like a sledge hammer.  Monday, I had the chills with my teeth chattering and then a temperature of 38.7.  The doctor asked to see me in the evening and run blood tests to rule out infection.  I was advised to stop for a couple of days and restart.

    I have quite a small frame and wondered if they should moderate the dose to take that into account. 

    They are unable to say how long the side affects last, so wondered if anyone had any advice on this.

  • I decided on the targeted therapy and started on Saturday.  Unfortunately I felt I was hit with a sledge hammer.

    Severe chills and high temperature, so the doctor had to check if I had an infection.

    I have stopped the treatment for few days and will start again tomorrow.  

    Has anyone else had this problem?