My Dad - Prostrate Cancer that has spread!!

My dad was diagnosed with Prostrate cancer in March last year and we found out yesterday that this has now spread to his hips, back and rib cage.

The consultant didn't say the words and it was difficult to ask as Dad was there but does this mean it is terminal cancer.

  • Hello Debzrich, so sorry about your dad.  Your dad's illness has metastatised, which means that it has spread beyond the original cancer site.  It has gone beyond the point where your dad can be cured.  Is there a possibility that you can speak to your dad's consultant without your dad being there?  The consultant will be able to tell you what the prognosis is likely to be (approximately how long your dad has got).  I am so very sorry.  My thoughts are with you, your dad and your family.  

  • Hello Debzrich and a warm welcome to the forum, I am so sorry to hear about your dad, and sadly prostate cancer that has spread, like your dad's and mine, is almost always terminal, but this does not mean it's not treatable and for many years too. Debzrich I was in healthcare for 15 years, 5 in cancer care and only retired 5 years ago, and treatments today are so much better today and continue to improve all the time. I was diagnosed 2 years ago my cancer had spread to 9 places and thanks to treatment it is 6 now and those 6 have been reduced by 70% and I am still on my first treatment plan, with plan B, C and D and who knows what after that. best wishes to you and your dad.

    Eddie xx