Today was the day - single Mum newly diagnosed with breast cancer

Hey everyone,

I've read lots of these posts and been overwhelmed by the support everyone receives so I guess that's why I'm posting!

Today I was diagnosed with HER2+ breast cancer. I'm not sure if it's sunk in yet even with the amount of times I've said it. 

I am 44 and a single mum of two children 10 & 13, so was in the mind set I was too young for cancer even after finding the lump and being told it was suspicious. I went today with a glimmer of hope it was not going to be cancer.

My mum died of breast cancer in 2015 so I have seen the impact it has on lives. I am worried I am going to struggle to juggle work, children, hospital appointments etc as I so want to be strong for my children. The added pressure of being a single mum is huge as it is without throwing an illness in the mix.

My doctor has a plan and is positive it is treatable. Chemo, CT Scan to stage it, then surgery once the chemo has done it's thing. 

I have told my children as I believe they need to know and they need to process things and understand what's going on. They took it was better than I thought which was encouraging but I'm fully aware they may not have processed it yet.

I guess I just wanted to write all this down somewhere to hear from people in similar situations.

Thanks for reading,


  • I’m pleased you got yourself some treats. And I’m really hoping you don’t suffer from any tiredness, sickness, diarrhoea or loss of hair. Positive thoughts in all directions. What’s a picc line fitting? Is it something you wear constantly throughout chemo?

  • Yes a picc line is in all the time.  I’m not sure why I have to have one. It does mean I cannot swim or do yoga so I am a bit cheesed off. It does however mean if I get an infection they can get antibiotics in quickly. 

  • Just wondered how everyone is? I’m two rounds into chemo now. Doing ok. 

  • Glad you are doing OK Smudge. How many have you got to go? 

    I had my op on 26th June. Pathology results came 6 weeks later but I'm still waiting for the Oncotype DX result to see if I need chemo or just radiotherapy.  It's been massively delayed by a mess up. I was fuming on Friday as I was told it was due any day on 5th August.  Decided to say screw it and we've gone on holiday just before the kids go back to school. 

    Post op results revealed it was Grade 3 and not Grqde 1 as I was told after biospy which is concerning. 

    How is everyone else?  Hope you are all well. 

  • I can’t believe you’re still waiting for results. Were your lymph nodes clear? Hope you have a great little holiday before schools start back. I’m so pleased we had our holiday before starting chemo. 

    I’m on 12 rounds of weekly paclitaxel. 

  • I know it's daft!  I got my post op results. Clear margins apart from the skin but overlying skin was removed during the op so that's fine. Clear lymph nodes. So all good news there. Just waiting for the Oncotype DX result to see if I need chemo too. I was put on tamoxifen pre op and that affects results so they've been waiting for the biopsy result. I called the US lab and they've got my biopsy sample now so it shouldn't be much longer. 

    It's beautiful here in Crete so the waiting doesn't seem so bad here. 

    Wow, weekly. But at least you should be done quickly then. Some of the chemotherapy rounds are 3 or 4 weeks. 

  • How is your chemo going Vitchy? Are you having much luck with the cold cap?