Newly diagnosed with uterus cancer

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind with various appts, scans and biopsy..  I have just this morning had a call for an MRI tomorrow - it is all moving very quickly..  I am very impressed with my local hospital and the speed of dealing with this. 

Of course I am absolutely terrified and I guess it's natural to think the worst but trying to remain positive...  Cancer treatment has come a long way over the last few years so that is what I will focus on.

  • Hope ur mri went well, I was diagnosed 3 and half years ago, carried weight was very worried where this would leave me having op, everything went fine, Tis a scary place to be, I over googled and this caused much anxiety. Hoping ur op goes well for u, 

  • Hi it's been six years since I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer stage 1. Had full hysterectomy and brachytherapy. You will come out of the other side of all this.

    Things I wish I knew before..any post menstural bleeding should be seen asap by a GP and you are entitled to free prescriptions for five years.

    Stage 1 is all extremely positive. Happy to offer any advice. Hugs. 

  • Wow thankyou for this boost xxxx

  • I have definitely over Googled xxx

    Thankyou for your reply xxxx

  • Hi, that is fantastic news. I had post menopause cancer was stage 1b so cancer had not spread and contained within the womb lining. I am now 4 weeks post hysterectomy and feeling very well.

    Have been given the all clear with no further treatment needed.

    Did you have screening? Now waiting to hear back from gynaecology for what comes next..


  • Hi Jek12 . So glad to hear that your cancer was caught early too and that you are feeling well.

    I had check ups every six months for five years but these were just questions such as any bleeding or unplanned weight loss. 

    I would recommend pelvic floor exercises going forward but as Nina Simone says after my all clear I was "feeling good" and felt like I'd got my life back and enjoy every day. X

  • Offline in reply to JEK12

    So pleased for you. What great news. 

    Do you bleed at all after the hysterectomy?


  • The 6 years is very reassuring... Will take your advice regarding the exercises xx

  • Offline in reply to Shakey

    I did and quite heavily.. totally normal and it took about 7 days before it stopped.. x

  • I received a diagnosis for endometrial cancer on 9 July.  The nurse said they believe they’ve caught it early and it’s hormone based.  They started me on the hormone Provera straight away and organised a MRI scan to stage the cancer.  I had that on 17 July.  I am really worried as they’ve said I’m high risk for surgery due to having mild heart failure, atrial fibrillation and a high bmi.  They are saying if it’s early stage they can treat with hormone therapy hence the Provera and also suggested a Mirena coil.  I’m 58 and this all seemed from some light post menopausal bleeding in April.  Fortunately, my GP was on the ball and she referred me immediately.  Cancer was discovered after a polyp was removed and a biopsy on the lining was done.  The polyp was precancerous and the biopsy showed some cancerous and precancerous cells.