Newly diagnosed with uterus cancer

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind with various appts, scans and biopsy..  I have just this morning had a call for an MRI tomorrow - it is all moving very quickly..  I am very impressed with my local hospital and the speed of dealing with this. 

Of course I am absolutely terrified and I guess it's natural to think the worst but trying to remain positive...  Cancer treatment has come a long way over the last few years so that is what I will focus on.

  • Hi JEK12 and welcome to the Cancer Chat forum.

    I'm sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with uterine cancer but I'm glad things are moving quickly and hopefully it won't be long until your treatment, once a plan is in place, can get underway. 

    As you say, all the thoughts and feelings you're having at the moment are completely natural and to be expected after finding out you have cancer so do be kind to yourself at this time.

    I'm sure some of our members will stop by when they can to offer you their support and advice but if you would like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all they can to answer your questions and hopefully put your mind at ease about what's to come.

    We're thinking of you JEK12 and wishing you all the best with your diagnosis.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer on Thursday and had the MRI today. All been very quick. Just waiting now to see if it's spread and when I can have a hysterectomy..

    39 and scared.

    Good luck and thoughts are with you xxxx

  • Offline in reply to Shakey


    Hearing those words still makes me shudder...I am a few weeks ahead of you having had my hysterectomy a little over 3 weeks ago. The wait from diagnosis to consultant visit after the MRI was about a week for me, but what a week. 

    I remember during that week that all I wanted was to be able to be given the opportunity to fight this cancer. I did a lot of research (my way of coping) and discovered the various stages of this cancer and the implications.. Even the worst case scenario it can still be treated successfully. So please take some comfort from this.

    My cancer was graded 1b so only a slight spread but still very much contained within the womb lining. A successful operation and subsequent tests confirmed no more cancer found. 

    There's nothing I can say to ease your fear but the speed of the appointments and how quickly the NHS move is very reassuring.  I have nothing but praise for my doctor and local hospital in how quickly they jump on this.

    Please keep in touch and I will be thinking about you 


  • Offline in reply to JEK12

    Wow. That is so encouraging.

    I was told Thursday they think it's stage 1 straight on for MRI yesterday. I cried when it finished just overwhelmed with what could happen next. I absolutely pray so hard that I get this outcome. I have PCOS and was told 8 years ago after ovarian drilling that I can't have children so I'm ok with the hysterectomy.

    They only found it because I went and asked for a hysterectomy as I was always bloated and had a few peri menopause symptoms. 

    Thank god I did. Just hope I went in time. I think this has been going on a year and a half sadly. Just hope it's contained!

    Much love to you. How is Ur recovery from the hysterectomy?

  • Offline in reply to Shakey

    Stage 1 is brilliant news... although that seems odd to say that while talking about cancer.. 

    I had the robotic keyhole surgery so only 5 small incisions and in hospital for 2 nights.. The first week I took it very easy and concentrated on getting my appetite back and other bodily functions to work.

    From the 2nd week onwards was out walking more and now 3 weeks on I'm pretty much back to full fitness although still careful not to lift anything too heavy. Some stitches are still in but they should drop off soon.

    They've said no need for chemo but very close monitoring over the next 5 years. Back to the hospital next week for a meeting with the oncologist to discuss further..

    The past 7 weeks have been a blur of appointments and various people doing various things to me but I feel grateful to all involved in my treatment for getting me here..

    You are a lot younger than me, I am 63, so I would expect you to bounce back quickly but just listen to your body..


  • Offline in reply to JEK12

    Although I am aware my story may be different. This is what I hope for. I'm overweight which doesn't help. But fingers crossed for this. I wish u luck for the rest of your journey. Please keep in touch xx

  • Offline in reply to Shakey

    Let me know how your operation go and good luck xx

  • I’ve just been diagnosed today… aged 60.pretty bloody scary! Good to read positive posts xx

  • Offline in reply to AliG

    I am still waiting for my MRI results. It is so scary. Good luck with everything xxxx

  • Offline in reply to AliG

    Hi, yes so scary and I do feel for you and all the women going through this. Only today I've recorded my journey from seeing my doctor with my symptoms to where I am today. I still can't believe all that has happened but I have come out the other end.

    Stay strong and try to remain positive 

    Please stay in touch with your journey.. talking to strangers do help..
