Prostate Cancer (Gleason Score 5+4)

Good afternoon All,

My name is Adebo, and I was diagnosed last week with prostate cancer. My Gleason score is 5+4, which appears to suggest there is a strong risk of the cancer spreading, but at the moment the cancer is localised in the prostate. I have received a letter from the hospital suggesting External beam radiotherapy & Robotic Prostatectomy are the preferred treatments, but I am yet to have a meeting with the medical team to discuss my treatment. I understand that radiotherapy is not recommended for men under the age of 60, which means my only option is Robotic Prostatectomy. I am 52yrs old and have no visible or physical symptoms. 

I was wondering whether anyone could provide me with any sort of advice.

Thank you all in advance

  • Hi Adebo and a warm welcome to the forum though sorry you have prostate cancer, I too have prostate cancer diagnosed age 56 so similar age to you and had radiotherapy, can i ask are you on hormone therapy. When you meet your surgeon ask them how confident they are with removing the prostate with clear margins, "not leaving any cancer cells behind" and how many nerves will be spared as they are very important regarding incontinence and getting an erection and please be aware a surgeon will nearly always recommend surgery. Ask your oncologist about all other options, As for radiotherapy there are a few variations you could consider  and if your hospital does not offer them you can choose to be treated at a hospital that does, and ask, because as you say your cancer won't be contained forever how long for treatment to start, there are excellent websites like this one, prostatecanceruk and Macmillan who have lots of information on options which could be suitable, and possible side effects, Adebo many of us had no symptoms though treatment often changes that, best wishes with your chosen treatment and remember 98% of men with prostate cancer do not die of it, take care,


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    Good Afternoon Eddie

    Thank you so much for reply, and your warm welcome. I must say I cried when I got your response, so thank you once again

    First and foremost sorry to hear you have cancer as well, I pray and hope that you are able to overcome this horrible disease.

    In response to your question, No I have not started my hormone therapy. I am yet to have a discussion with multidisciplinary team about my treatment plan. I am not a fan of surgery. Thank you for your advice on what to ask the surgeons. I am not a fan of surgery, so if given thee option I might opt for radiotherapy based on the research I have done.

    I was wondering what treatment options you were initially given prior to opting for radiotherapy (i.e. did the medical team suggest you should go for Prostatectomy, and if yes what swayed your decision to opt for radiotherapy instead).

    How is your treatment going, Sir and I hope it has not had too much of an adverse effect on your health?

    Thank you so much for your response again, Eddie. As we are of a similar age group, I hope you don't mind if I reach out to you from time to time to see how you are doing.

    God Bless you and I wish you an effective and progressive recovery.

    Have a pleasant day


  • Offline in reply to Adebo

    Hi Adebo you are very welcome, good to see you are researching your options though i hope you are not using Dr google, As i  have heart issues and my cancer had spread that ruled out surgery and chemotherapy, so aggressive EBRT to the whole pelvic area 73 gy the norm is 50 gy, and hormone therapy for life. I have a very aggressive cancer, intraductal with large cribriform variant, my staging is T4 N2 M1a and Gleason 10, my treatment is not to cure, though the results from EBRT have been better than hoped and i still have tools in the toolbox regarding future treatment, life is good and i have a few years yet and you can contact me anytime, best wishes.


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    Hi again Eddie

    Thanks again for you response

    Lol@hope you are not using Dr Google. With Cancer I think one needs to get the facts from the professionals like prostate cancer UK and Macmillan. There are way too many distorted version of the truth when it comes to cancer on the internet. Thanks for letting me know why surgery and chemo were ruled out and glad to hear that results from your EBRT are yielding better results than were initially expected. I pray that you have many years ahead of you, Amen.

    I will check on you from time to time. Thanks for being a friend.

    Have a pleasant evening


  • Offline in reply to Adebo

    Thank you Adebo, feel free to contact me anytime, take care.


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    Hello Eddie, How have you been in the last few days? I hope EBRT continues to yield a positive result for you. I have been asked to do a PSMA PET Scan to eliminate any doubt that the cancer is still localized. so far I have been told it has not spread. After my scan, the MDT will be able to see what treatment is applicable for me. I am scheduled to have the scan next week. With regards to your EBRT, how often do you have this session?

  • Hi there my name is Nigel ,67 years old and I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in November/December last year. Since then I have had a biopsy,mri and a bone scan. I started hormone therapy early this year .My first injection was a monthly one to make sure I didn't have significant side effects.After this I went on to 3 monthly injections of Prostate.Prior to this I met the consultant to discuss my options regarding treatment and the two available were Prostatectomy or hormone therapy and radiotherapy.I chose the radiotherapy route as my cancer is contained within the prostate and I didn't like the risks associated with the surgery. So far I only have the hot flushes which don't seem to last very long, however I,m waking up in the night with them which is a pain but then I figure that's its a small nuisance compared to what other people have to go through.My consultant who was really informative also said that which ever treatment you opt for does not guarantee that the cancer will not return in later years, that kind of made my mind up to opt for the radiotherapy's well as the fact it is less invasive and I can continue with my daily life

  • Offline in reply to NDA57

    Hi Nigel

    Thank you very much for the information, and sorry to hear you were diagnosed with prostate cancer, however I have a few questions for you if you don't mind, Sir

    How long did you have hormone therapy prior to starting radiotherapy?

    Are you currently having hormone therapy with you radiotherapy?

    What is the frequency of your radiotherapy (i.e. how many days a week are you having it) and how long has the doctor told you that you will have radiotherapy for (according to the nhs website, it states this will be approx. 4-6 weeks)?

    what sort of radiotherapy are you having?

    I have also been warned about the risk of surgery, and I am likely to opt for radiotherapy as well.

    Sorry to hear about the hot flushes, but as you have alluded it is probably a small price to pay when compared to others.

    Is it fair to assume that there has been little effect on your physical abilities since you began treatment?

    Thank you, Sir

  • Offline in reply to Adebo

    Hi Adebo. I started my hormone therapy 4 months ago now and have recently seen my consultant who has said that my radiotherapy will start in July ,I have another 3 month hormone injection in June and then sometime in July I have been told I will undergo 4 weeks of radiotherapy which is five days a week for 4 weeks and then after that I do not know what will happen.I have read though that the hormone therapy could continue for another year or so but I have not been informed of this yet.Regarding my life as I am retired I play golf at least 3 times a week and that has continued ,I also go swimming when I,m not playing golf so as of yet the hormone treatment hasn't,t affected my life at all.Not sure what will happen when I start radiotherapy though.

  • Offline in reply to NDA57

    Forgive me Nigel, I assumed that you had started radiotherapy. So it is fair to assume that you will have hormone therapy in conjunction with radiotherapy, when it eventually starts. 

    Thank you for letting me know that the hormone therapy has not affected you physical abilities, and I pray that when you start radiotherapy it will also have little or no effect on your physical capabilities.

    Would you mind telling me what your gleason score is?