Kind of diagnosed?

Hi all

I had my appointment at the breast clinic yesterday and had biopsies taken (which I didn't enjoy at all!!) but both the consultant radiographer and surgeon told me that despite not having the biopsy results they are pretty sure we are dealing with breast cancer. I kind of expected this outcome as I've had cysts before and this felt VERY different, but a little part of my brain is thinking hmm the results might be negative? My husband is more of a realist than me and he says the specialists will see this day in day out and he just doesn't think they'd tell me they think it's cancer without being pretty sure. Also I have two friends who were told the same in their appointments and they went on to have a formal diagnosis. 

I don't really know what I'm asking in this post...maybe I just feel the need to speak to people who understand what it's like to have that little spark of denial...

  • Offline in reply to laraj

    Just heard back yesterday. It's invasive ductal carcinoma, but they've graded it as 1 which means I'll just need a lumpectomy and a small course of radiotherapy. So it was bad news, but fortunately not the worst news xx

  • Offline in reply to SharLou

    Shar Lou 

    min sorry you had a diagnosis 

    yes that was same as mine very early stage but  after my lunpectomy they said that I might need chemo that threw me right off the track as it was graded 1 on initial diagnosis so why the change I didn’t sleep for weeks as I was told no chemo from day 1 

    but after another few tests it came back no chemo required 

    my biopsy and ultrasounds show no cancer in lymph nodes but after lunpectomy  they take sentil nodes to test one come back with a teeny trace  so that threw everything upside down it’s a rollercoaster but you will get through it 

    when is your operation booked for ? 
    will you have to take the hormone tablets afterwards, I have them for 5 years I’m on 2 years now so 3 to go x.  

  • Offline in reply to laraj

    I don't know any details yet, I've only had a call to confirm diagnosis and that's it. I should find out more next week. She did say it would be receptive to hormones so I assume I'll be put on the tablets too? 

    How have you been over the past two years? Do you get regular checks? Xx