Kind of diagnosed?

Hi all

I had my appointment at the breast clinic yesterday and had biopsies taken (which I didn't enjoy at all!!) but both the consultant radiographer and surgeon told me that despite not having the biopsy results they are pretty sure we are dealing with breast cancer. I kind of expected this outcome as I've had cysts before and this felt VERY different, but a little part of my brain is thinking hmm the results might be negative? My husband is more of a realist than me and he says the specialists will see this day in day out and he just doesn't think they'd tell me they think it's cancer without being pretty sure. Also I have two friends who were told the same in their appointments and they went on to have a formal diagnosis. 

I don't really know what I'm asking in this post...maybe I just feel the need to speak to people who understand what it's like to have that little spark of denial...

  • Hello SharLou, first of all, let me say how sorry I am for what you are going through.  Five years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and even though I kind of knew what the results were going to reveal, it still came as a huge shock.  I don't think that anything really prepares you for it.  I agree with your husband:  The specialists would not have told you that they believe it is breast cancer unless they were absolutely sure.  It is absolutely normal to be in denial.  We all like to believe that maybe there has been some terrible mistake, and maybe the specialists are wrong. I know exactly how you feel.......there is a sense of unreality about it all.  It's like you are having a bad dream, and any moment you think you will wake up from it.  Don't be afraid to reach out for support.....from family, from friends, and also from the people here on this forum.  Good luck to you, and once again, I am so sorry for what you are going through, but please remember, where there is life there is hope.  xx

  • Thank you so much for your reply.  Unreality is a good way of describing it! In a bizarre way I always knew I'd have that conversation one day, I lost my mother to breast cancer when she was only 38 (I was 9) so I think I've always thought I'd get it one day.  So when I actually sat there and the consultant said they were pretty sure that's what we're up against, I just said OK! I think he was waiting for the questions etc but I just sat there like an idiot. And then just didn't seem real at all.  Very surreal experience and I haven't reacted at all like I thought I would. I suppose none of us know how we will react until we're in that moment.  Anyway thank you for reaching out and I hope you are doing ok? xx

  • Offline in reply to SharLou


    I was told mine was like it to be breast cancer like you thought no way this can be happening part of me thought they are wrong 

    week after biopsy confirmed breast cancer 

    good luck lovely