DCIS pre invasive cancer

Has anyone else had this diagnosis, I’m trying to stay positive after doing a lot of re search about it but I’m unsure?

  • Hi Tj123, I was diagnosed with DCIS last year after being recalled following routine screening. My surgeon told me it was an early, very treatable form of cancer and after surgery and radiotherapy, I feel back to normal and extremely relieved it was caught early. I hope you get your treatment started soon and that it goes well. 

  • Offline in reply to Case4


    I’ve also been diagnosed with DCIS. Just over 2 weeks ago I had an operation. I’ve just got the results back on Thursday. I need another smaller operation and got a cancellation for Wednesday. I’m also trying to stay positive. I think the fact that my breast cancer which is non-invasive, was caught so early is really good. Thank goodness for screening. I would not have known about it by just examining my breasts, because there was no lump. My cancer care nurse has told me that I will probably need 5 days of radiotherapy. The cancer clinic consultant has told me, that catching it early is exactly what they want and I would then have mammograms once a year for 5 years after treatment. My cancer nurse has also told me that I will have a quick recovery. All in all this points to a very treatable form of cancer. I hope this helps you to feel that your outlook is really good. 

  • Hi

    I’ve been diagnosed with DCIS pre invasive cancer after screening. I’ve had an operation just over a couple of weeks ago. Having got the results back on Thursday, I’m having a smaller operation on Wednesday to make sure there is a completely clear margin of tissue around a small area, which showed up on a magnified mammogram after screening. I am really lucky that my breast cancer was discovered so early. I have been told by my cancer care nurse that I will need 5 days of radiotherapy and I will have a quick recovery. At my initial diagnosis the cancer care consultant told me that this is exactly what they want …. to catch cancer early. She also explained after my treatment is finished I will have a yearly mammogram for 5 years. Fingers crossed this is a totally treatable form of cancer. 

    I hope this helps you to feel positive and be more certain about what lies ahead.

    Take care

    My best wishes for your treatment 

  • Offline in reply to Jstaves

    Hi I have just found out I am having mastectomy and reconstruction next Tuesday they are hopeful that is all will need, but have said will do biopsy from what they remove just to make sure ! Yes I will then be having yearly mammograms on my right side to make sure that remains ok 

  • Offline in reply to Tj123

    It’s good to hear that they are hopeful about your treatment. I hope everything goes well next Tuesday.

    Take care

  • Hi

    I hope you’re OK today

    If it helps…

    Today is the day before my next operation….. I’ve managed to get a good nights sleep!?! That might be different tonight though…?!?? AND I’m actually feeling positive about what’s happening tomorrow!

    Who’d have thought!??


    However you’re feeling

    Take care