I’m in denial about my cancer diagnosis, It feels like an out of body experience. Has anyone else felt like this?


I was called for a routine appointment for my breasts. I got a letter asking me to go back because they were a mass that needed further investigation. I was then diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma stage 3. I’ve since had the lumpectomy and lymph node biopsies for which I will get the results on Thursday. Is it still odd that I still don’t think I have cancer and that it almost feels like an out of body experience. It’s only because I can see my scars that I know I’ve had something done. I have been signed off work since my diagnosis as I had to come off my HRT and I was a complete **** before I found the right dosage. I would have outbursts or randomly cry. So I’ve had my antidepressants increased but my mind still keeps going dark but I’m not sure if that’s because I haven’t accepted my diagnosis.

any suggestions are appreciated 

thank you

  • It’s good to have cry … so needed. I do the same. Bird song is so therapeutic. Being in nature is the answer. I love standing under one of the trees in our garden and feeling the breeze.

    Thanks for your reply

    Hoping to stay strong 

    Take care

  • Hi Claris

    I was also diagnosed with DCIS after screening for breast cancer. It took a while to sink in. It wasn’t until I’d had an operation that it hit me and I had a day of bursting into tears. I hope you’re OK. For me it’s an emotional roller coaster.

    I did need another operation and am trying to be positive about getting the results back.

    I try to find something to do that is relaxing. Sometimes I just have a cup of tea. Other times I just sit in the garden and enjoy a sunny spot. I’m not sure if this is helpful because you might be feeling really tense.

    Take care

  • Evening, I cried the day the told me but that was out of frustration as I was meant to have bariatric surgery because I also need my knees replacing. However due to the diagnosis it was delayed and I’d worked so hard to get to that point. Even now I’m due to start my radiotherapy I still feel like it’s not happening to me. So far all my results have all been positive but I just feel numb to the whole thing.
    occasionally I get into my own head and when that happens I tend to sleep. I’m struggling with joint pains at the moment. 
    Hope you’re journey goes well 

  • I’m sorry to hear how hard you had worked to get to the point when you could have  bariatic surgery. Then to have that delayed because of a diagnosis of cancer. That’s really tough! It’s good that your results have been positive so far. If it’s OK to ask has anyone let you know how long after radiotherapy you could have the surgery that would help with your joint pain?

    Thank you for replying to me.

    Wishing you all the best for the future at this difficult time

  • Thank you Henri

    Today there were lots of birds in the garden. It was so lovely to be outdoors in the sun.

    Take care

  • Hello again. I’ve just woken to birdsong. I can hear them outside my window. Don’t feel so good after my mini operation today. Loads of self care today. Oh and rest. I hope you can get rest too and peace of mind which I believe is equally important. I feel as if I’ve been thrown in at the deep end and nothing prepares you. I hope you can enjoy the outdoors.i will be staying out of the sun as much as I can now. 

    wishing you all the best

  • Hi Henri

    Birdsong …. what a beautiful sound….               I hope bit by bit you’ll start to feel better….

    Having an operation does take it out of you.

    Being thrown in at the deep end is a good way to describe what’s happening.

    I’ve been standing out doors in the garden under the shade of a tree, with a cup a green tea…. that helps…

    Tomorrow I’m going to a hospital appointment to see one of the nurses. It’s to check how the wound is healing.

    I’m attempting breathing exercises to keep as calm as possible!?!!

    Wishing you all the best 

    Take care of yourself 

  • Yes Henri, sitting in my garden listening to birds is soothing. Staying open to whatever helps is vital

  • I totally agree. I’ve just ordered a cd with birdsong I could listen all day. This time of year is so lovely. Sadly my Dad recently died, then my Uncle and now I have skin cancer????? But I will keep going, but taking more care of me now and I hope you are too. 

  • Good luck when you see the nurses. I hope you can keep strong. I’ve just ordered a cd with birdsong I love it. I’ve just recently lost my Dad and Uncle in the last two months and now carcinoma. But I will keep strong, lots of meditation and rest. Good luck to you