I’ve just recently been initially diagnosed with DCIS but this will possibly be upgraded to invasive, they are doing further testing on the biopsy. And my anxiety is through the roof, I have so many physical symptoms - heart palpitations, tight chest, pains all over, difficulty breathing, can’t eat and not sleeping well. All these symptoms are making me think that cancer has spread everywhere. What can I do? I have 2 young kids and can’t function. Does anyone have any coping strategies? 

  • Oh my goodness. No wonder your head has been an absolute mess. Sending you so much love while you deal with whatever decision you make xxx

  • You are having such a hard time and must be so challenging but as Gail2020 has said you must do what’s right for you and ensure you are able to have your surgery and focus on getting your strength and health back. 
    I hope you have some support close to you that is helping you through this too. 

  • Hi Em24ma, so sorry to hear that you now have to make a decision on your pregnancy, after all you've been going through. This must be such a difficult time and I really feel for you. I was pleased to hear that your cancer is very treatable and that chemo might not be needed, this must be a big relief to you. Good luck with everything moving forward. Xxx

  • Oh Em,

    Although I am delighted to hear that you are pregnant, this couldn't have come at a worse time for you. What a heart-breaking decision to have to make. It's no wonder you are struggling. My thoughts and prayers are with you and, whatever decision you eventually reach, I hope that it is the right one for you.

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • How is everyone this week? Very tough one for me but time to get on with surgery/treatment now. I have an MRI on Monday followed by surgery on Thursday but I’m so scared now that the MRI will show something new or something that needs looked at and this will delay surgery, I really want the surgery so bad now. From looking on here it seems like loads of people get worse news from the MRI than what was shown on the mammogram and ultrasound so I’m very worried. Hope everyone else has had a better week xx

  • Hi Em24ma

    I'm still in limbo land waiting for my hysterectomy mainly because i ended up needing antibiotics due to catching various germs from kids. Have my pre op appointment next week but still haven't got an actual date other than it is "soon". I'm both dreading it and relieved its happening. Not looking forward to menopause!!

    I obviously have a different type of cancer (sarcoma) but I had the opposite experience with my MRI and CT scan. My consultant was expecting not so great results because of biopsy and type. But my MRI showed really positive results - I.e everything was pretty contained. So fingers crossed nothing else shows up on your mri too xx

  • Hi, 

    sorry to hear you ended up having to take antibiotics and this is delaying things, but at least if the pre-op is booked it can’t be much longer until the op, but it’s a big operation so understand your dread. 

    Although I had been told my mammogram was clear apart from the cancer we knew about, I have dense breasts because I am quite young so apparently there could be other stuff hiding in there that they can’t see. I hadn’t realised this until now and couldn’t have the mri any earlier because you can’t have them while pregnant. Xx

  • Hi everyone, how are you all now? Yorkshiremum - hope your hysterectomy went ahead and you’re recovering well? Gail how’s things with you? Have you started treatment? 
    I’m I had my surgery a few weeks ago and it went well,  margins were clear and lymph nodes thank god clear. But I did get upgraded from grade 2 to grade 3 which means chemo, I have first oncologist meeting on Wednesday.


  • Hi Em24ma! Glad your surgery went well and I hope your treatment has you on the road to recovery and isn't too draining.

    I had my hysterectomy on Monday. Just need to wait for histology to come back to decide if I need chemo or if that's it. Going to be a long wait. Surgery went well though buy boy am I tired!! Xx

  • Hi, Glad your surgery also went well, hope you are taking it easy and recovering well. Fingers crossed you don’t need anything further that would be an amazing outcome. 
    I have my chemo plan just waiting for a start date which should be in the next few weeks.
