I’ve just recently been initially diagnosed with DCIS but this will possibly be upgraded to invasive, they are doing further testing on the biopsy. And my anxiety is through the roof, I have so many physical symptoms - heart palpitations, tight chest, pains all over, difficulty breathing, can’t eat and not sleeping well. All these symptoms are making me think that cancer has spread everywhere. What can I do? I have 2 young kids and can’t function. Does anyone have any coping strategies? 

  • I've not enjoyed the last 2 days! Had loads of letters and phone calls from hospital so that's triggered a lot of anxiety. Didn't expect a letter to summarise my diagnosis appointment so that was a nice reminder lol. Got MRI and CT scan next week so will be able to understand what treatment I need. 

    Hope you are all feeling better as the days gone on xx

  • Hi, I’m so sorry to hear your anxiety has been triggered again, hopefully it will start to settle when you have your treatment plan. It sounds like things are moving along fairly quickly so that’s a good thing, but also probably very overwhelming. I had a better day on Thursday then a worse day Friday.. so it’s very up and down. Just want some solid answers at this point xx

  • Hi Yorkshiremum and Em24ma.
    I read your posts tonight and wanted to share my own experience. 
    I had stage 4 high grade non Hodgkin’s lymphoma diagnosed in Jan 22. 
    Your posts reminded me of when I was waiting for the results and a plan for chemo. I would dread bedtime knowing I’d be laying there for hours on end with my mind exploding with worry … my thoughts and fears would go round and round like the film credits. After what felt like weeks of lack of sleep, I was looking and feeling pretty dreadful even though I had very little symptoms prior to my diagnosis. My anxiety was off the charts and taking steroids didn’t help. I decided to embrace the night one night after buying a night light, a pen and a large ring note book.
    That night I wrote down everything I was worried about … everything. Seeing it on paper made it real but it took most of the anxiety out of my head and onto the note pad. 
    I then took each worry and made notes of what I could control and do if that particular thing happened. 
    it was the absolute turning point for me. I felt I had taken some control back. I kept the note pad at the side of the bed through all of my treatment … it became my saviour and my best friend. 
    I would allow myself a bad day … but made sure when I went to bed I made time to get ready for sleep … stay off the iPad and phone Googling every thing I could think of. I used the mediation body scan everyday which relaxed me … when you are so anxious your whole body is uptight and painful. Using these tools as I call them made an enormous difference I got some sanity back … I wrote down my fears and faced them head on …my neck and shoulder pain stopped and I started to feel better as I could sleep better and wanted to go out for walks. 
    it’s still a hard journey I can’t pretend I still have a bit of a wobble now and then but I’ve been in remission 11 months now and it feels amazing. 
    Just like it will for you x 

  • Thank you for this message. I did read it before but the last week was a bit intense with scans etc. Anyway. Today I got really positive news. They removed all of the sarcoma in the procedure I had done a few weeks ago. CT and MRI came back clear. I now have to have a hysterectomy in a few weeks but the consultant says this is best case scenario for me so while worried about the surgery I am relieved the cancer has not spread. 

    I wish you all the best with your recovery and Em24ma I hope you have had more answers xx

  • I’m so happy for you what wonderful news. Such a great feeling about the results of your scans. 

    I hope you go from strength to strength and that you have a speedy recovery from your hysterectomy. 

    all the very best 

    Jane x 

  • Aw that’s such brilliant news, I’m really happy for you! :)

    I did get some answers, as I kind of expected it is invasive breast cancer however it’s stage 1 and the type that it is (hormone positive, Her2 negative) is relatively easy to treat, possibly even without chemo, so some positive news in there. Still very stressful times but this info does at least make me stop stressing so much that it’s spread all over my body so some of my physical anxiety symptoms have definitely eased xx

  • Hi Em24ma, 

    It must have been hard to hear your diagnosis but it’s positive that they have advised it’s easy to treat  So pleased to hear the anxiety symptoms have eased too.

    Sending best wishes to you x 

  • Hi Em,

    Although an invasive cancer diagnosis is never welcome news, I am delighted to hear that it is stage one and may not even need chemo. I am sure that you must feel relieved that it hasn't spread. Have you any idea when surgery will start?

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I haven’t mentioned this yet as it’s been too hard.. but I’m also pregnant (only about 6 weeks), so this is obviously complicating things and delaying surgery. I think I am going to have a termination. I’m really struggling today.

  • That must be hard to deal with hun. But u need to do what is best for you in this moment, to get ur health in the best shape for fighting this