Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hey everyone! 

    how are we all? 

    how were the golden wedding anniversary celebrations?

    Carol how was the PT session?

    Pippin - are you feeling ok ahead of your op on the 15th? How were the family celebrations? Hope you had a lovely time 

    I had my port removed on Monday, some stitches which are a little sore but otherwise it was pretty painless and easy! Had a load of bloods done and have scans next week then seeing my oncologist on the 5th November! I had my monthly Zoladex injection today and the nurse was so brutal! She was like oh my gosh i hate these needles they’re so big and then shoved it in so hard!!!! At least there was no messing around!!!!!

    anyway just wanted to say hello! Hope you’re all ok! Xx

  • Hi Greeny80, went and had my pre op bloods today, then went and bought a variety of post op bras. Getting a bit nervous now and will just be glad to get it over with. Had thought they were going to reduce healthy boob in the same operation, but not sure now. I was given that impression at consultation, but a letter states that it will be a second phase, so will have to wait and see. I wonder if you might be able to answer a question for me. When I went to initial pre op assessment, they said I could shower on morning of op as usual, but don't put on creams or deodorant. They did follow up phone call this week,due to the delay and this time wad told not to use soap in the shower. I find this strange, as Ii would be rinsing off the soap. I totally understand about creams and deodorant after a shower. Can you tell me what you were told to do prior to surgery. Pleased to hear having your port removed wasn't too bad, you must be pleased to have it gone. Sorry to hear the nurse was a bit rough when giving your injection, hope you don't have any discomfort from it tomorrow. Hope all goes well with your scan and bloods and let us know how appointment goes on the 5th November. Xx 

  • Everyone I know was told to use octenisan to wash with before surgery but I don't know about breast surgery. I guess residue might be left under the skin fold.

  • Morning all.   that injection sounds awful!  Thank goodness it's only once a month.  Maybe the next nurse will be more gentle?  I find differences in skills at finding a vein for cannulas varies so much amongst the chemo nurses.  But just one more immunotherapy to go and I'm done (apart from the Zoledronic Acid every 6 months).   PT session went well thanks, he's being very gentle with me and I'm appalled at how inflexible and unfit I've become over the past year.  Still, am trying to think positively that at least I'm now doing something about it.  I need to get the weight in check again too as that's creeping up! 

     I hope you enjoyed the family celebrations at the weekend.  Good luck with your op next week if we don't speak before.  Hope you get the soap issue sorted!  I was the same re creams and deodorants, but don't recall being told not to use soap, but then my operation was different to yours.  Maybe the BCNs can help?

    I have a fairly quiet weekend lined up this week as it was immunotherapy yesterday and I'm always a bit tired after that for a couple of days.  But I do need to go to Pets at Home otherwise Pebbles, my dog, will think she's living with Old Mother Hubbard! 

    Hope everyone is doing ok and have a lovely weekend, whatever you have planned 

    Carol xx

  • Hi Lynn, thank you so much for your reply. I wasn't given any wash at my pre op assessment, they just said to shower as normal, but not to use any creams or deodorant. I then had a pre op assessment phone call, due to my surgery being delayed  this time I was told just use water and no soap. I found this strange, as you do rinse the soap off. This morning, I phoned the pre op assessment phone number that I was given. They've said I can use soap without any fragrance, which I do have fortunately. X̌x

  • Hi Carol, we had a lovely day on Saturday, just a dinner for both families. We had a lovely conservatory room just for us, looking out over the garden. I phoned pre op assessment number this morning,  who said I can use non fragrance soap, which I do have. Good to hear you have only one more immunotherapy left, almost there to tick another thing off. Great that your PT session went well, I'm sure your flexibility will soon improve. I'm getting a little bit nervous about the surgery now, but will be happy to get it over with. Not actually sure if they'll reduce healthy breast at the same time, or if I'll be having a second surgery. Will let you know how it all goes on Tuesday. Have a lovely weekend and have a good rest, after having had your treatment. Xx

  • Good luck today Pippin. Thinking of you. Hope all goes well and that you have a super speedy recovery.


  • Good luck with surgery today   Thinking of you. xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    The big day has finally arrived - I'm thinking of you, but I'm sure that all will be fine.

    Let us know how you get on, when you feel up to it.

    Jolamine xx