Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Greeny,

    That's great - I'm sure that Monday can't come quick enough, in order to get rid of the port. I'm glad to hear that you slept better last night. I agree that you're better avoiding the medicinal route to aid sleep, so will be interested to see what your oncologist has to say about Magnesium.

    I'm ok thanks - just looking forward to our Golden Wedding celebrations with the family, over the weekend.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine, many congratulations on your Golden Wedding Anniversary, that's amazing. Lovely that you will be getting together with your family to celebrate. Hope you have a wonderful day. Xxx

  • I had a port fitted as I enjoy swimming and the oncologist confirmed it was the best option as I could still enjoy swimming. Also I found that with a Pic line you have to get it checked every week as with a port you don’t. They just insert the line into the port every chemo session. You can also shower with no worries. Hope this helps 

  • Hello Pippin24, 

    Sorry to hear you are not receiving notifications of posts on this thread. Have a look at our forum help on How do I change my email notifications? You will find in there instructions on how to select to receive notifications for threads you are following (and how to turn these off too when you no longer wish to follow a thread). 

    I hope it all works fine for you now but don't hesitate to let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for your reply. I did end up opting for a port and think it was a good choice. I hope your treatment went well. Xx

  • Hi    So glad you're covid negative now and you can enjoy the family celebrations at the weekend.  And only a short delay on your op too, which is great news.  

     How did the port removal go on Monday?  Does it feel good to no longer have it? 

      Happy golden wedding anniversary!  Enjoy your day celebrating with family. 

      How are you? 

    I went to a woodcraft workshop yesterday with work - had a great time making a wooden plaque using paints and stencils.  I did notice I don't have the dexterity in my fingers as well as I used to and found the fiddly bits extra fiddly!  But I got there in the end and am hoping over time, that dexterity will improve.  I also have my first PT session at the gym at lunch time today to try to start building up strength and flexibility again after so many months on the sofa.  That will be interesting lol. 

    Hope everybody is keeping well. 

    Carol xx

  • Hi Carol, sound like you are doing really well. The wood workshop you went on yesterday must have been fun. Is the dexterity thing due to chemo? Was the pt session arranged for you, or is it something you organised yourself? I got back out for my morning walk today, which felt really good. Also had my phesgo injection last night, which was all fine. Take care. Xx

  • Hi Pippin.  Unfortunately, yes, the dexterity thing is due to chemo.  I used to be able to do really intricate things, but I do struggle now.  It's not a hindrance on a daily basis, but it is noticeable when I want to do things like the workshop yesterday.   Re the PT session, it's something I have organised myself.  I am not the sort of person who enjoys exercise and will find any excuse to not do it lol. The only exercise I enjoy is walking the dog (but I am a fair weather walker!) and swimming.  I'm not allowed to swim until at least 4 weeks after my last immunotherapy treatment, mainly due to risk of infection and allergic reactions (especially as I've been so sensitive to treatment so far). I thought if I got myself a PT for 3 months, then it would get me back into the habit and I'm rather hoping the addiction I got to exercise about 14 years ago will return!! 

    That's great you're all good after your phesgo injection.  Not long now to the next stage of your treatment and one step closer to "normality".  xx

  • Hopefully Carol your dexterity will improve over time. Well done to you for organising the exercise sessions yourself. I've never enjoyed going to the gym, although have given it a try years ago. I too am loving the walking, but it was too hot to do when away. I swapped it for a half hour swim every day, which is a first for me on holiday. Would love to hear how you get on a the gym, maybe you'll really enjoy it! Xx