Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Everyone,

    Pippin - I hope you're actually not reading this and that you are currently in warmer climes and enjoying a lovely, relaxing break.Sorry you didn't get clarity with your phesgo injections and surgery but hope you can put it to the back of your mind while on hols and then worry about it when you get back. Really hope the op goes well, will be thinking of you.

    Yes Carol 3 weeks with in-laws is a LOT!!!!! My husband is actually away for the last week too so it's going to be quite full on! It's my sister in law and my parents in law... They are lovely but I think 3 weeks for anyone is a lot....my dad always says guests are like fish, they go off after 3 days!!! haha!!!!!...They are fairly easy but i do like my personal space and people not being in my kitchen all the time!!!!!......Have a fab time in Scarborough and holiday planning!! Definitely spoil yourself!

    NGS - So sorry to hear you're in so much pain. It's all rubbish isn't it, all these horrid side effects...but great you managed to get out and about on a mobility scooter, fresh air and change of scene can be the best medicine there is!...and very exciting about the static caravan...that sounds fun!!

    Jolamine - i'm so sorry to hear about the collapsing, can't believe it's been going on so long and they still can't work out what's going on..really hope they can get to the bottom of it or tweak your concoction of medication a little to see if that eases things. How often are you collapsing...sounds scary. Hope you're ok.

     I met with oncologist a few days ago - i'm starting some new drugs in November on top of the Anastrozole and Zoladex injections which i'm already on. So far feeling good on the Anastrozole and Zoladex so really hoping i'm ok with the new drugs too. He wants my body. to recover a little more from the radio/chemo etc before i start as apparently it can knock you back a bit...not looking forward to that if that is the case!...but hoping, hoping side effects will be minimal and bearable, i guess time will tell! I've got CT scan and Dexa scan for my bones in October and getting my port removed in October too so all in all it's positive and slowly getting back to post cancer life and embracing the new normal!...and those menopausal hot flushes!!!!

    Chat soon!! xx

  • Hi Greeny80, we arrived in Gran Canaria at lunchtime, to beautiful blue sky. Had a lovely lunch and a swim in the pool, which did me the world of good. Feel relaxed already and will so enjoy this couple of weeks, without any hospital visits. I hope you don't find 3 weeks with family staying, too much for you and you get to enjoy the time with them. Wondered what the reason for having a new drug is, on top of what you're already taking. It's good that you now know when your scans and port removal will be. I wonder how long mine will be left in. Sorry to hear about the hot flushes, they are annoying. Take care. Xxx

  • Hi Greeny,

    I am so glad to hear that you have got your Dexa scan and CT scan planned for October and that you'll get your port removed then too. I'm sure that you'll be glad to leave this treatment stage behind you. Have you been told why you're getting the new drugs in November? I hope that you manage well with those too and don't get any more side-effects.

    The problem with my collapses is that they're pretty erratic. There was a 2 year gap between the first and second, then a three month one. They then became more frequent, until last year, when I was getting them most weeks and even up to four times a day, in some cases. I have had various theories put forward, put still no definitive answer and am getting desperate to know the cause.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Everyone, 

    Just wanted to check in to see how you all are?

       Did you get any results back from your investigations last week? How are you doing?

       How are things your end? Are you able to lift anything yet? Hope it's all healing ok?

       Hope you're having an amazing well deserved holiday! Remind me what date your op is? 

      How are you feeling? I think you said you felt pretty rubbish after your zoladronic acid infusion but hope you're all ok now?

    My in -laws are still here!!...my mother in law has been really poorly with strep throat and covid on top...luckily she's coming out the other side!..but my sister-in-law is now testing positive!!...and all this while we have to try and keep my father in-law away from them both now as he is super immuno compromised! So it's been a bit stressful and obviously feel bad as it's over their holiday and they haven't been able to leave the house for about a week!! Hoping they'll be able to galavant soon as they only have about 10 days left here...Otherwise all good on my part, just trundling along with the anastrozole and zoladex injections then abemaciclib will be introcduced in November time along with the zolodronic acid infusions for my bones..which i'm slighlty worried about side effetcts after reading some of your messages but hoping it will be ok!...and luckily i guess they are only every 6 months!...They always seem to throw something new at me everytime i see my oncologist!!!...dexa scan and CT scan in October as well as getting my port removed so that's good!

    Anyway just wanted to say hello...i'm hoping no news on here is good news and that you're all doing ok but always here for rant!!!

    Take care and happy Friday xx

  • Hi Greeny80, feeling super relaxed on holiday, it's certainly doing me good. Everything over the past few weeks feels a bit like a bad dream. I feel so well, it's hard to believe I'm seriously ill. Operation date is the 8th of October, so not long now. They originally told me they would reduce the healthy breast to match, during the same surgery. However,  a letter came through since meeting the plastic surgeon, saying first phase will be mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction. Then phase 2 will be the reduction, so I think I will be having a second surgery, which is a bit disappointing. Still not sure if I have to have next phesgo injection on the1st of October, but fed up worrying about it. Such a shame that your in laws have been unwell while visiting you. Think there is a lot of covid about at the moment, hopefully you won't catch it.  I'm a little worried about catching something on the plane on the way home, especially as having surgery a week later. Don't worry too much about zoledronic, I did feel a bit flu like, but it was only for 1 day, so not too bad. Good that your port is coming out, not sure how long it will be before mine comes out. What are you having the scans for? So good to hear from you, stay well. Xx

    Hope everyone else is doing OK.xx

  • Hi  

    So sorry to hear about your in-laws!  A friend of mine has Covid at the moment and had to cancel the Macmillan Coffee Morning.  Just hoping they're better by the weekend as a crowd of us are due to go to Hartlepool on Friday!  

    I was a bit like Pippin on Zoledronic.  Felt very flu like for a day or two, then started to feel better.  The fatigue hit me last week though and I had to take a couple of days off work to recharge.  My fault I think for overdoing it immediately after the first Zoledronic infusion.  Next time I'll keep my diary free for the day after and, assuming treatments continue to be a Thursday, I'll keep that weekend free too just to rest and recuperate.  I don't know if the fatigue was made worse by having the zoledronic alongside the immunotherapy, but next time it will be administered on its own, so I'll have a better idea then.  Other than the fatigue and temporary flu-like symptoms though, I've felt ok.  Touch wood, no bone pain or anything like that.   And congrats on getting a date for having your port removed!

     so glad you're having an relaxing time on holiday and have managed to put all your worries behind you for a while.  Pain in the nether regions that you're still unclear regarding phesgo injection.  Hopefully someone will clarify for you soon. 

    The "Moving Forward" workshops were great and I would thoroughly recommend them.  It was good to meet people who had been through similar things and it was good to talk about it with people who fully understood how you felt.  It was amazing to hear all the different experiences everyone has had from a treatment pathway perspective as well.  

    Hope everyone is doing well.  I can't believe it's a year since my diagnosis and this time last year I was going through clip placements, MRIs, multiple ultrasounds and treatment plans!  Thank goodness I didn't know what was ahead lol. 

    Enjoy your weeks :) xx

  • Hi Carol, sounds like them moving forward workshops are well worth considering. I think after being around so many reassuring people while on treatment, it could feel a bit lonely and nerve wracking when it all stops. I've been swimming for half an hour every morning, to replace the walking. My hip is still a bit of a problem at times  will get it checked out after my surgery. Had a lovely surprise on Friday, my brother and his wife turned up to join us on holiday, which has been great. A few more days to enjoy, then will have to start preparing myself for surgery. Getting a little nervous now, but will be good to get it over and done with. Hope everyone is getting on OK. Xx

  • Hi Greeny,

    Still no results, but awaiting further tests. I hope that your in-laws are recovering from Covid and that neither you, nor your father-in-law have succumbed.

    Not long now, until things start moving again for you. Hope that all goes well.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Carol,

    I'm delighted to hear that you got so much out of the "Moving Forward" workshops. I found them really helpful and, like you, I would thoroughly recommend them.

    Here's hoping that you manage to get to Hartlepool on Friday, although, if we get much more rain, you may need to swim there!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    I'm delighted to hear that you are enjoying your holiday. It must have been a wonderful surprise to have your brother and his wife join you out there. Try not to worry about surgery. After all that you've been through, you'll smash it!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx