Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Oh isn’t it just!  Yes hopefully I won’t get too many or any side effects on the ibandronic acid. Will need to see how it goes. 

    I had lumpectomy and 2 sentinel nodes removed for biopsy.  Am happy to say they came back clear so it hasn’t spread anywhere else. Long may it stay that way! xx

  • Thanks Carol, I thought my surgery might be only 3/4 weeks after chemo finishing and could maybe ok to go away mid September. However, it would seem by your time frame, surgery may not be that quick. May not be recovered enough to go away by September, so may need to rearrange. As far as I know I'll be having mastectomy and reconstruction. Waiting at the moment for an appointment with the surgeon, so don't know if the plan will change. It must be difficult not being able to walk your dog, hopefully the time will pass quickly. Xx

  • Hi Greeny80, I am still quite active, think I have got off lightly through chemo to be honest. How are you doing with nails and hair at the moment? Hope all is going well on that score. Will be great to get the info on the radiotherapy treatment  always good to know what to expect in advance. I'm sure the kids can wait to see you too, I'm sure they must have had a lovely time. Shame some of the children were poorly though. Enjoy the weekend and this beautiful weather. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Morning everyone 

    hope you are all enjoying the sunshine 

    Pippin -  glad your treatment went well - just one more to go - it’s amazing to be saying that after such a journey isn’t it  -  I saw you asked about nails.  Weirdly my nails are the strongest they have ever been - maybe the poly balm but I’m not complaining 

    really good to hear your still active.  It must make a difference.  I may have asked this before ( chemo brain ) are you having a single or double mastectomy.  

    Carol - my mum and Dad have both been through radiotherapy and say the traveling to and from and setting up of equipment takes longer than the actual treatment.  They were just very tired.  But nothing like chemo I’m told 

    I’m having zometa which is a bone infusion - sounds like the treatment you will have.  I will have them now every 6 months by IV for 3 years at least and I have to have regular dental check ups due to jaw challenges.  I had my first one in May and found sometimes when I first go to chew food my jaw is stiff but it does ease off quickly.  

    greeny - one more for you too on the chemo front. Hope you’ve enjoyed the rest but bet you cannot wait for the children to return.  

    so I’ve now completed chemo and my PICC line was also removed.  I felt very emotional.  I felt like I’d lost a supportive buffer around me to honest.  But I have a meeting today with oncologist and then I meet with surgeon on 2 nd July.  It feels a scary place being out on your own and not seeing the chemo team weekly.   I think the recovery is gonna take some time 

    I had the last cold cap too. Woohoo I did it.   I have a covering albeit thin hair and it is already growing so quite pleased with that.  

    wishing you all a lovely weekend XXX

  • Hi NGS

    Woohoo!  That's great everything is done and PICC line removed too.  And well done on the cold cap.  It's an amazing feeling when your hair starts to grow back isn't it. I know what you mean re the chemo and missing the regular visits to the team.  I guess I'm being more gently weaned off, having immunotherapy still every 6 weeks, but I think I'll feel the same.  I also got my letter yesterday saying that they've pretty much discharged me back to my GP.  There won't be any more hospital follow-ups beyond normal mammograms etc once radiotherapy and immunotherapy have stopped.  Life will feel very strange, not going to the hospital every few weeks!  Thanks for the heads up re radiotherapy.  Others have said the same - it's more the actual going to the hospital every day that's the tiring bit, than the treatment itself.  Hopefully only being 9 days I'll cope not too badly!  

    Have an amazing weekend and enjoy the sunshine! xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, congratulations for getting through your chemo, it must feel amazing. Did you ring that bell? Glad to hear that your nails are good, mine are also fine, so it would seem that the polybalm does it's job. Also, I didn't lose my hair completely, always had a bit of fine hair. It has also started filling in before chemo has finished. Hair on legs never did stop growing, although slowed down I think. I've shaved them twice and still have a bit of stubble growing back! Good to hear that the cold cap was a success, makes it all worthwhile. As far as I know I'm having a single mastectomy and reconstruction, but haven't actually seen surgeon since January, so don't know if the plan will change. I have thought about asking for a double, but not sure if they'd be willing to do that. I just have this fear of it coming back in the other breast and having to go through it all again. They said they would be reducing the other breast anyway, so they match. I keep being told an appointment is being arranged to see the surgeon, but still haven't heard anything, might chase it up next week. I can understand your anxiety now that you won't be in contact with your chemo team on a regular basis. I'm sure you'll be given a contact number  in case you have any worries. I think most people probably feel the same. I hope all goes well with your oncologist appointment today and your meeting with the surgeon on the 2nd of July. Do you know when your surgery might be?

    Hope you have a lovely weekend  xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS,

    I'm sure that you're delighted to have reached the end of your chemo treatment. Isn't it strange how we all look forward to this stage, then start to worry about losing the support? This is a common feeling. Always remember that your specialist nurse is there for you, should you have any concerns and don't hesitate to contact her if you need to.

    I hope that your visit to the oncologist today was worthwhile and that all goes well when you see your surgeon, on 2nd July. Your parents are right, most people find the regular travelling to and from radiotherapy is pretty taxing, but fortunately, it doesn't last for long.

    I'm delighted to hear that the cold cap saved a little of your hair and that it has already started to grow back.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hey everyone!

    Just checking in! Sorry have been pretty quiet...it's been crazy with school stuff at the moment as it's my daughters last year at her school so she has so many leaving things going on and general end of term stuff so the admin is off the scale! She's got her formal/prom on Friday and she's so excited bless her! Can't believe how quickly they grow up...i'm not ready for it!!!!!!!

    Anyway just wanted to check in with you guys. How are you all doing?

    In answer to your question Pippin on nail and hair a bit like   my nails are pretty good.  I have a faint line on two of my nails but nothing has changed since the first chemo....but otherwise they actually seem stronger than they were before!...and my hair is still hanging on in there. Rocking the Bill Bailey look, quite bald at the front and top of my head but i can just about get away with wearing a wide headband! Will go and get it cut a little shorter after chemo has finished! 

    Can't believe next Tuesday is my last round!!!!!

    How is everyone doing? 

    @Carol1964 When does your radio start?

       any more news on a pre surgery appt? Hope you're still feeling ok after your last chemo round.

      How did your Oncology appt go? Hope you're enjoying having your PICC line out...hope all goes well next week with the surgeon.

    @Jolamine Hope you're doing ok too!

    Take care ladies and enjoy the sunshine this week and hope you can find some nice shady spots too - it's gonna be hot!!! xx

  • Hi Greeny80, sounds like you are pretty busy at the moment, Hope your daughter has a fabulous time at her prom. Good to hear that  things are going well with your hair and nails, my hair seems to be growing too. I bought some rice water protein shampoo and conditioner bars, which are apparently good for hair growth. Thought it was worth giving them a try! 

    I contacted macmillan nurses yesterday, as getting a bit frustrated with regards to appointments. I was told on my last pre chemo telephone review, that the next one would be face to face. I haven't received an appointment and have now been told it will be the telephone review, which luckily I booked in case the other one didn't come through. I explained to macmillan that they also informed me on the 3rd of June that they would book me into the oncology clinic  to discuss results of lung ct, that didn't ever materialise. They've now said they will book me an appointment, so we shall see. I've also been told on the last two review phone calls that an appointment with the surgeon will be arranged. This has also not happened, they said yesterday that they'd send an email to the surgeon, so let's hope I hear something soon. 

    Sorry for the moaning, it's just annoying when you are expecting appointments and they don't happen. Generally feeling pretty good. Saturday I needed a sofa day after my walk, as energy levels had dipped. Also had a few issues with upset stomach, but seems to have settled down now. Still be getting out for our walk, although it is more difficult in the heat. We're out by 8.30am, but you can still feel the heat at that time. It must be great knowing that next week is your last treatment. Only two weeks for me too! 

    Wishing everyone a lovely day.. xx

  • Hi everyone, I hope you are all ok and had a good weekend. Greeny80, good luck with your last chemo tomorrow. Don't forget to ring that bell. Xx