Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Greeny80, great that you are in your good week and your energy levels are back. Mine have just started to drop a little and I'm feeling a bit tired. Did get out for a walk this morning, but did struggle a bit today. It's a shame that you missed out on going to the wedding, especially as your feeling OK. Think it was for the best though, going on the tube is probably not the best thing to do. We didn't go to the Ideal Home Exhibition this year, for exactly the same reason. We have a party coming up to celebrate my Dad's 90th birthday, really looking forward to catching up with all the family. It's the weekend before my next treatment  so will hopefully be at my best by then. Hope you continue to stay well before your next treatment. Xx

  • Hi everyone, how are you all doing on this lovely day? I went for a lovely walk this morning, energy levels a bit better than yesterday. Injections started on Friday and are going ok. Had slight aching in my knees first thing in the morning, but not too bad. Just realised that in just over 5 weeks time my chemo will be over, which makes me so happy. Xx

  • Hi all, I'm feeling a bit stressed out today. I contacted macmillan nurses as I hadn't received any confirmation letter regarding my ct thorax scan results. BCN told me on 17th May that my lung nodules were stable and had not grown. She said I should receive a letter confirming results , also plan of whether future scans were needed. When I contacted macmillan nurse on 22nd May she said there was an MDT meeting that day and they'd be in touch. I never heard anymore so contacted them again today. They messaged to say they would arrange a meeting with the oncologist regarding results. This caused me to question whether the results given over the phone were correct and I started to panic. I contacted BCN again who confirmed results were correct.  She said there was no record of MDT meeting on 22nd May, but was one a couple of weeks earlier  She went on to say maybe they want to see me because my breast ultrasound didn't show my lymph nodes. I tried to explain that I had contacted them, not the other way around. It has all got so confusing! BCN now says she will talk with macmillan nurses tomorrow and get them to phone me. They usually contact by text which is what we were doing today. Not sure if they will think I'm just annoying them, as they've already messaged to say they'll arrange an appointment with the oncologist. I just did not want to wait several weeks for appointment, not knowing if everything was OK. Sorry for the long message, just need to let it all out!!


  • Hey Pippin,

    Just wanted to check in to see how you’re doing? Really hope you’re ok. Xx

  • Thanks Greeny80, feeling a bit better now. I just became really anxious for a little while as everything seemed to get a bit confusing. Hopefully macmillan nurses will phone tomorrow, rather than texting and will be able to reassure me. I'm sure they must be getting fed up with me to be honest. All I wanted was a letter confirming ct scan results. Now it seems I'm getting an appointment with oncologist. Also not sure what BCN meant by they couldn't see my lymph nodes on breast scan. When I got those results over the phone, no-one mentioned that. Have a bit more energy today, but taste gone up the wall. Hope you are feeling ok and sorry for all the moaning. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Morning everyone. 

    just catching up on posts. 
    how are you feeling now Pippin.  The waiting worrying and mixed messages can be really hard - I do think communication is key to offering reassurance.  But how good does it sound when you say in 5 weeks chemo will be over.  I agree with carol.  Chemo is the hardest stage. im doing much better this cycle.  I’ve just got 4 injections on days 3/5/7/9 - last one tonight.   The day after I feel rough with lots of bone pain but I’ve managed to keep out of hospital this time.  
    I have Horrible metal taste in mouth and am off food.  Tummy feels quite delicate.  

    but all this is made better by the safe arrival of our beautiful granddaughter Wrenley Robin on Saturday 1 st June at 13:58 weighing a healthy 8 lb 4 oz. 

    I feel so very spoilt having them live with us.  Nanny cuddles are on tap.  

    Wishing everyone a positive week 


  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, I'm feeling ok thank you. I did not get a call back from anyone yesterday regarding confirmation of ct scan results.  I've decided to forget about it for now and might speak to the person who phones for my review, before next chemo. It's so good to hear that you are feeling much better this cycle, only one more to go and you're done yay!!!

    I too have had that horrible metallic taste in my mouth for the last couple of days. Last time it only lasted 3 days, so hopefully will be gone by tomorrow. I also had a funny tummy for a couple of days, but seems to have settled down now. 

    Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter and what a beautiful name. How lovely that they are living with you, enjoy all those cuddles. 

    Hope everyone else is doing OK  xx

  • Hi Everyone,

    For some strange reason i've stopped getting notifications when you post a reply on here so was starting to worry that i hadn't heard from you.It's not like you to be so quiet!...anyway just jumped on here to message again to see how you all were and then saw some missing messages!!...

    The taste thing is very odd isn't it. Mine lingers for ages, i'd say around 10 days or so before it lifts...great that yours was only 3 days last time. let's hope more of the same. Sorry about all the confusion with communication, It's hard when you just want info and to know. really hope you get to the bottom of it and get some clear info soon but hope in the meantime you can try and forget about it. Hope your tummy and other side effects are ok.

    NGS - Ahhhhhh congratulations! Gorgeous name and amazing that you get to give her lots of cuddles! Ah lovely, happy news. Hope Mummy and Daddy are doing well too. Glad the boneo pain seems to be a bit more manageable and no hospital visits this time! AMAZING ONLY 5 WEEKS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i've got my penultimate round on Tuesday...and then last one on the 2nd July. Not the best timing as it's my daughters end of year speech day. She leaves her school after being there for 5 years so there's a big leaving party too and i know i'll be feeling a bit rubbish BUT it will mean end of chemo so i'll be celebrating inside!! I've got a meeting with a Dr next Thursday to talk about radiotherapy and how much i have to have and timing etc...feels good to be moving onto the next stage.

    Hope you are ok today and Pippin hope you manage to get out for your daily walk!..and really hope the taste comes back soon both of you.


  • Hi Greeny80,

    I just saw your comment about not receiving notifications - if you haven't already you can select to 'Bookmark this thread'. You can then go to your notification settings (the bell icon at the top of the page), select 'Notifications', and then ensure that 'Replies are added to threads I'm subscribed to' is checked. You can then choose to receive an email each time a reply is added.

    Hope this helps.

    Best wishes,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Greeny80, I've had that happen with the notifications on some occasions too. I've had a  couple of bad days with the taste thing, but think it has started to improve now. I found eating salad leaves was awful, tasted really bitter. I've decided to put the confirmation letter about results out of my mind now. They said that all was OK on the phone, so that will have to do. Ended up going yo gp this morning, due to bleeding from back passage. Turns out I have a hemorrhoid, as if there isn't enough to deal with lol! A shame that your last chemo clashes with your daughter's end of year speech. But as you say, you'll still be celebrating the end of chemo. My last one on  the 9th of July is on my wedding anniversary, so I know how you feel. Going to try and go for my walk this afternoon, as missed it this morning. 

    Wishing you all a lovely day. Xx