Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi   So sorry to hear you've had such a rough time.  I too went into hospital numerous times with infections when I was on Docetaxel.  I ended up only having 2 rounds because my body just couldn't cope with it (Oncologist consultant's decision).  Also like you I followed instructions and avoided going out to restaurants, having takeaway deliveries etc, but the infections were all to do with treatment rather than outside influences.  I do hope they can get you sorted soon.  

    I had my surgery on 24th April and have my biopsy results on this coming Friday.  Assuming everything continues to plan I am expecting radiotherapy and continued immunotherapy, but my consultant has a habit of changing his mind, so I'll need to wait and see. 

    Good luck on Friday.  Be honest with your consultant and tell them how you feel.  They might be about to change treatment or dilute the dosage.  I am surprised you haven't seen them in between sessions though.  I always saw mine before each chemo session, even if it was just a telephone call (which I could change to in-person if I wanted to).  Hope you get the help/answers you need. 

    Carol x

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS , you really have been through such a terrible time, you poor thing. I had been worrying about you, as you haven't posted for a while. I too have not spoken to oncologist since the start of treatment. I had thought initially that I was speaking to oncology department for my review, prior to each chemo cycle. But it turns out it is an advanced clinical practitioner from the chemo unit that calls. I've also been told now that I will be seeing the surgeon again once I have finished chemo. I'm hoping that the surgery plan stays the same, although I'm a bit apprehensive about it. My progress so far has been good, tumours are starting to shrink. Also lung nodules are stable and have not grown. Just waiting for oncologist to view the report and let me know if I need another scan in 3 months. I hope all goes well with your oncology appointment on Friday and hopefully they can put you on a different treatment, that won't be so hard on you. I have my next cycle of docetaxel on Tuesday, then I have 2 left after that. So far it hasn't affected me too badly, a few niggly side effects, but mainly extreme tiredness. Good to hear that your hair is growing again. Mine hasn't all fallen out yet, I just have a small amount of fine hair. Also still have eyebrows, lashes and annoyingly leg hair. I have been leaving leg hair to fall out naturally, but may have to resort to shaving it soon. I really hope you start to feel better soon, sending you big hugs. Xxx

  • Hi Carol, hope you are doing well since your surgery and that everything goes well with your biopsy results on Friday. I think it's the worst bit, waiting for results. I had my lung ct scan results last Friday, after a three week wait. Lung nodules are stable and have not grown, which is a relief. Not sure yet if I'll need a further scan, as report needs to be reviewed by oncologist. Do you know how long you have to wait before your radiotherapy starts? Xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi everyone,

    Gosh NGS. i'm so so sorry to hear you've been through such a horrendous time with your chemo. Sounds so scary and worrying and just totally draining i imagine. Really hope you get to speak to your oncologist soon so that maybe they can tweak things. Really surprised they haven't been in touch with you especially as you've been having such bad reactions and infections. Really hope you can have a good conversation with him on Friday and get lots of questions answered. How many more rounds of chemo are you supposed to have? 2 more Docextaxol? Sending you huge hugs and really hope your body recovers from all these infections soon...hopefully the end of chemo is in sight and then you can concentrate on the next parts, the surgert and then radiotherapy which hopefully won't be as complicated as the chemo is turning out to be. keep strong, you've got this and brighter times are ahead.

    Pippin - glad you're having a good few days and that you get to see your family again at the weekend. Will be thinking of you next Tuesday and hope the side effects don't knock you sideways.

    I had my 4th round of TC chemo yesterday (2 more to go!) and for some reason i found it really tough yesterday. I slightly spun out. I think i found the cold cap really claustrophobic and just wanted to wrench it off my head. I had to do lots of slow, steady breathing as was freaking out a bit...and then towards the end of the cyclophospomide i started to feel really nauseous...it was just a really long day. I was in at 9am and didn't leave until 6pm and by the end of it i just wanted to get out of that room!! I'm going to get my bloods done the day before my next chemo so that should take a couple of hours off the day of chemo next time around. Had a pretty rubbish sleep lastl night, thank you steroids!!...and feeling nauseous again today but just trying to stay on top of my anti sickness meds. Did make it out for a 7km walk today though with the dog. Fresh air always helps with the queasiness!! Trying to take it easy today but have electrician here drilling holes into walls and painter here up a ladder in the hall!! No rest for the wicked!! but i can't complain too much especially after reading about you NGC and Carol....i know so far i have had relatively mild side effects in comparison. So i should be grateful.

    My oncologist is going to refer me to my radiologist after my next round. He said minimun would be 2 weeks but most likely it would be 4 weeks. Would just quite like to know the plan and some rough dates as it will no doubt be in the middle of summer holidays so need to think about the kids etc...

    Carol good luck with your biopsy results on Friday. Keeping everything crossed for some positive news. Not too much longer to wait. Sorry you also had complications with the docetaxol. Harsh drug!

    Take care everyone - gosh it's tough! but we will get through it and come out the other side!! Hopefully sooner rather than later!! 

    Big hugs coming your way xx

  • Hi Greeny80, sorry to hear you had a bit of a tough time yesterday. It was such s long day for you, good job next time they're doing your bloods the day before. I've never had my bloods done on the day, they've always been a few days before. I'm off to the hospital in the morning for mine, ready for treatment on Tuesday. I then get a phone review on Friday, after they've checked the bloods, to give me the go ahead for treatment. When I started the docetaxel my steroids were doubled and I didn't sleep either, for two days running. On the third day I phoned nurse and asked if I could take a Nytol on my last night of steroids. This seemed to work and I slept fine. Not very nice for you feeling nauseous, hopefully that will ease off soon. Will be good for you to get a plan soon about your radiotherapy, that's a long way off for me unfortunately. I hope you don't get too many issues over the next few days and get plenty of rest. Xx

  • Treatment starts as quickly as you can decide what you want to happen...such as a PIC line or Port fitted...its your choice.!!..its what you feel comfortable with.... once your given the full disclosure of how often, side effects and name of chemo drugs....

  • Thank you for your reply. I eventually had my port fitted, after having two cycles of chemo through a canula in my arm. Due to have 5th cycle on Tuesday.

  • Hi, everyone, hope you've all had a good day. I had a review on Friday and have been given the ok for next treatment on Tuesday. Have been told I will need to have another echocardiogram before my 6th cycle. Also that from August I will be starting bone infusions every 6 months, this was news to me. I apparently need to go to the dentist for a check up before they will start the infusions, to make sure that any dental work is completed first. I will now be under the chemo unit until February 2027, which came as a bit of a surprise. I've also been contacted about a covid jab as I'm now eligible, which I've now booked. 

    Greeny80, hope you are feeling OK after your treatment on Tuesday.

    NGS, how are you feeling now? Also, how did things go with the oncologist on Friday?

    Wishing everyone a good Bank Holiday weekend. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Hi everyone 

    I’m doing much better finally.  Just in time for round 5 on Tuesday 

    really sorry to hear your treatment was more difficult Greeny - how are you feeling now ? 

    Pippin - the bone infusion is what they gave me in addition to my first round of docetaxel 

    I am to have these every 6 months for at least 3 years. I was told it puts down treatment in bones to prevent cancer cells taking hold.  The side effects can be severe bone pain.  ( and in true fashion I had this ) it’s a very quick infusion 

    I had to have dental checks at the hospital and was told to ensure my dentist the sees me every 6 months   It can cause jaw difficulties and extractions should not take place whilst on treatment   Thankfully I have really good teeth  

    I had my meeting with the consultant Friday which went well.  I had the option to end chemo but if the cancer returned I know I would regret such a decision. As such they are reducing my dose to 75% and prescribing strong pain meds and medication for sickness and diarrohea.  Also and I am over the moon halving my injections to boost my white blood cells.  This is the best news as they alone cause chronic bone pain for me.   I will have 4 injections alternate days instead of 7

    I will be having a bone density test at some point in coming 3 years to monitor bones whilst on the bone infusions. 
    so just two more chemo to go.  3 and a bit weeks and it will be done. 

    I did get some good news. As I will now be having a double mastectomy to remove all breast tissue ( 3-6 weeks after chemo) I may not need to have radiotherapy.  
    this was great news and the end is in sight I hope. I will have letreazole for minimum of 10 years. 

    I do have an appointment on 6 th June with the genetics team and will be asking about other testing etc for pancreas / lymphatic system  to ensure I am fully covered.  

    hope you are all enjoying the bank holiday 

    we are excitedly waiting arrival of granddaughter  due date is 27 th   

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, so pleased to hear that you are feeling better and that your meeting with the oncologist went well. I think you made a good choice to continue with the last two chemo cycles, hopefully reducing it slightly will make all the difference to your side effects. Reducing your injections  will hopefully improve things for you too. All of the changes, along with stronger meds, could make all the difference. It is good news that you may no longer need the radiotherapy, you must be delighted with this news. I don't start the bone infusions until my chemo has finished, I still have three more to go, as my docetaxel is four cycles. The bone infusions came as a bit of a surprise, as this had never been mentioned  before my review on Friday. Its good to hear that you have an appointment with the genetics team in June,  hopefully that will give you more information. Good luck for Tuesday, will be thinking of you, it will be another one for us both to tick off. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Xx