Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Oh Pippin,

    Sorry to hear you're not having a great day. How are you feelig this afternoon? It's hard to know what to do, whether to push yourself for a walk or listen to your body and rest. I know I am stubborn and like you told myself i would get out each day for a walk...but maybe just try a little walk or stroll. You don't have to go far but might be good to get some fresh air...before resuming your place on the sofa.

    Yes weirdly for me chocolate doesn't taste weird either! I'm very similar to you in that i don't eat many sweet things usually...but have definitely been eating more chocolate since my tastebuds have changed.

    Sorry your throat is still hurting..have you got ulcers too? Definitely get some difflam mouthwash...i think you can get it in the pharmacy but i wonder if your GP might be able to pescribe it for you? I take it after each cycle, twice a day for 4-5 days after each cycle and it really helps. 

    Hope you have a better sleep tonight and feel slightly more energised tomorrow. They do say Docetaxol causes fatigue - they're not wrong, you do feel pretty wiped..that combined with the injections which make you feel achy can be really hard. Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow...rest up while you can though, your body is obviously wanting to rest and sometimes you forget how much your body is working internally.

    My hands and feet are ok. I think a bit better but still a little itchy?!..but nothing too serious yet. Hoping just a random irritation and not the chemo drugs! I have my son off sick today so trying to keep my distance but he's only 10 so it's hard!! 

    Take care xx

  • Hi Greeny80, we did go out for walk this afternoon, which I feel really good about. I know I would have been annoyed at myself if I hadn't made the effort. Hubby did have to hold my hand to help drag me round though, when I was flagging a bit lol! Will definitely sort out some Difflam to help the throat. Luckily I haven't had any ulcers so far, just a bit of a sore tongue. Toothpaste was making it sting a bit when brushing my teeth. Good to hear that your hands and feet are feeling better, would be interesting to know what caused it. Sorry to hear that your son is poorly, hope he feels better soon. Must be difficult for you trying to keep your distance, especially as he's so young. However, you really need to be careful with your treatment being next week. Xx 

  • Hi Pippin,

    Just checking in to see how you're feeling today. I hope a little better. Well done for getting out yesterday for a walk.

    My hands are still itchy but intermittently so ok and manageable. Still don't know if it's a chemo side effect or something from the garden...i guess i'll know more afgter next cycle if the itchiness gets worse? Otherwise feeling good. We're having some painting work done to the house which is exciting, something good to distract myself from chemo! Deciding on some curtains and sofas too so yes some fun things planned!

    I hope you're doing ok today, hows your' throat and bone pain? I really hope it's all starting to ease a little...xx

  • Hi Greeny80, feeling much better today and feel like I have more engery. Made the effort to go out for morning walk on my own today. Hubby has been out for the day, first time since my diagnosis, so first time this year. Think it will do him good to have some time for him. He's been such a great support and such a positive person, which is so good for me. Hopefully your itchy hands are just a garden thing  rather than the chemo, so will dissappear soon. You mentioned some lines appearing on your nails, how's things going with regards to that? I got in touch with gp and they've prescribe Difflam for me. Hopefully that will sort out the throat problem. Lovely to hear that your distracting yourself with some decorating, a freshen up always makes you feel good. We did decide that while I'm going through treatment, we would decorate the hall. Four treatments in and hubby still has not started. He has been doing a lot of garden maintenance though, bless him. My bone pain seems to have eased up today, which is good, only have two more infections to go now. Have fun choosing your curtains and sofa and I hope you continue to feel well. Also hope your son is feeling better today. Xx

  • Oh that's great news you're feeling better and have more energy...and so glad you got out for your daily walk today too. It's beautifully sunny where we are today...also went for a lovely walk with a friend which was so nice. 

    And yes glad your husband has managed to get away for the day. I think sometimes it's harder for the "carer" My husband had prostate cancer 2 years ago and i found it quite hard...being so upbeat all the time, rallying kids and trying to be positive and at the same time feeling slighlty helpless as i couldn't do anything, i couldn't have the op for him and it wasn't me who was recovering so all i could do was be there for him but i did feel a little useless...i hope i was some support and comfort for him....like he is for me....and your husband is for you! I"m so glad he's been so supportive and positive...I think you need that don't you?...because sometimes your brain can take a small turn and it's good to get a little pep talk every now and then! Hope your husband has had a good day away today.

    My nails don't seem to be any worse, just a thin line on my thumb nail and my index finger on my left hand. Doesn't seem to be gettting any worse so that's good. I wish you could upload photos on this platform!

    My son is lots better thannk you and back to school...i now of course have my daughter off with sore throat...I spoke to the school matron this morning and i'm actually wondering whether it's hayfever rather than a bug? Although my husband wasn't feeling great on Monday and he doesn't get hayfever so who knows! I think sometimes my kids just need a rest day to get them through to the end of term?! They're so busy at school and after school clubs etc i think they just burn out a bit! Think they're ok though!...thank you for asking.

    Here's to more days with more energy, less bone pain and that the difflam sorts the throat out! I'm so glad the GP pescribed that for you...i think it's amazing!


  • How are you doing NGS?? Hope you're ok....xx

  • Hi Greeny80, just received my latest purchase of polybalm and have been reading through the enclosed leaflet. Ideally it says it's best to start using it a few days before chemo starts and for 3 -4 ŵeks after it's finished. But it also says if chemo has already started, begin using polybslm immediately,  especially if you notice early signs of nail damage, such as tingling, mild pain or brown lines. Thought this might be of interest to you. I've been watching a bit of YouTube this afternoon, about nutrition and cancer. Found Dr Amy who gas been through cancer herself. She was really informative and also talked about lowering your risks if cancer recurring. Put me in a really positive mood. Hubby now home, think he enjoyed being out for the day. You obviously know what it's like being the carer and have a good perspective from both sides. Hope your husband is doing well now. Sorry to hear your daughter is now home feeling unwell, think your probably right about the burn out thing. Hopefully she'll bounce back quickly. Take care. Xx

    Also hope NGS is doing OK. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    I'm sorry to hear that your consultant hasn't discussed the problems with having surgery before, or at the same time as radiotherapy. Most surgeons recommend that you wait until after you've had radiotherapy before you have any surgery.

    As I understand it, this is because radiation can cause various changes in the breast. These include changes in the shape, position and size of the breast, as well as firming up of the breast tissue and other complications. These changes mean that the surgeon may have to alter the shape of the other breast, at the time of surgery, in order to restore symmetry. There can also be increased risk of infection, as radiotherapy affects the body's ability to heal.

    It is certainly worth having a discussion with your surgeon about the advantages of delaying surgery until after your treatment is finished.

    Kind regards,
    Jolamine xx
  • Hi Jolamine, I did have a really long chat with my surgeon, as soon as I was diagnosed and she was really lovely. She explained how the order of treatment would be, depending on some results they were waiting on. With both options it was always known that I would have radiotherapy at the end of my treatmen.Once the results were all back it was decided that I would need the chemo first. But with both options she mentioned doing the reconstruction at the same time as the mastectomy. It was only when I spoke to the BCN later that she said reconstruction is often done later. Hopefully, I will get more clarification of this at my second appointment with the breast surgeon. Thank you fore your response, I hope you are well. Xx

  • Ah thanks so much for this Pippin, super helpful. Yes i should have started it before chemo, that would have been best! But perhaps better late than never!

    My daughter is off sick again today. She was up in the night, and was then physically sick and then sick again today!!!! She's got a slight temp and very sore throat...i think it's all the swallowing with her throat that's making her sick rather than a tummy bug!?....who knows! Hopefully after a quiet day today and a good sleep tonight she'll feel a bit brighter in the morning!...

    Anyway how are you feeling today? Hopefully yet more energy today? How's your throat and your tastte and your joints? Did you have the last injection today? I hate those!!...This week seems to be going to quickly that i can already feel that Tuesday is going to be here in no time!...but then i guess i get to tick another one off!

    Sorry there is confusion about your op and whether you'll have reconstruction at the same time or not...i think every trust is slightly different. I think i would want them to do it all at once but i totally understand their reasons for not, infection etc. When is your next appt with your surgeon?

    Hope you're having a good day..,.i have no doubt you'ev managed to get out for a walk!! xx