Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hey Pippin,

    Just at hospital for round 3. Bloods apparently are all ok so we're good to go! 

    Hope your breast scan goes ok today. Will you get results from that straight away or the same time as your CT Scan? Sorry you've been worrying, waiting is so hard, it just lingers over you even if you try to push it to the back of your head. Glad you managed to visit your parents though, that's lovely...and hopefully the results and next round will come round quickly.

    Yes I just need to suck up the weight thing and not get too bogged down by it, it's just a phase and i'm sure once this is all done i can get back on track again. It's just hard somedays isn't it...and i think totally normal to have an off day. Feeling good today though, probably the steroids again!...not sure i'll be quite so sprightly by the weekend but just have to roll with the punches i guess. My TC last time was managable and although lot of various side effects i was still able to function and walk the dog and cook etc so i'm sure you will be the same if not better. I have faith! Will be thinking of you for your next round and really hope you sail through the docetaxol.

    hope you're enjoying someo sunshine today where you are. It's lovely hear..shame i have to be inside!

    take care xx

  • Hi Greeny80, pleased to hear you got the go ahead for you treatment today. Hope it all went well and that you're feeling OK. Did you continue with the cold cap? I'm popping along to my slimming group tomorrow, to have a catch up with friends. I'm not weighing this week though, I don't need the pressure at the moment. Had my breast scan today.and I asked if there was any improvement. She did say she thought there was some improvement, but would need to check back on previous scan, to compare. Should know more on Friday, when I speak to the oncologist. It's good that the TC has been manageable for you, fingers crossed the docetaxel will be the same for me. The sunshine has been lovely, Hope you get to enjoy some too. Xx

  • Yes am home safe and sound…nearly ready for bed but need to get the kids into bed first…but I will be following soon after! All went well today.

    oh that’s good news that they think they can see a reduction. Fingers crossed for positive news on Friday  keep us posted. I’m the meantime enjoy a few days of hopefully sunnier weather! 


  • Another treatment ticked off, well done. Be sure to get plenty of rest. Xx

  • Hi everyone 

    sorry I’ve been so quiet 

    I’m feeling really good this week. As soon as the injections end I seem to bounce back thankfully - almost normal for a moment 

    I have round 4 next Tuesday and it will be first docetaxel.  Like pippin I’m apprehensive. There has been comfort in knowing what to expect

    I also have appointment with breast surgeon on 21 May.  Mine will be a double mastectomy now. 

    Greeny. - I’ve used cold cap throughout.  My hair was thick and curly to start with. It has thinned out.  I cut it shorter before treatment as well.  I found after EC about 2 weeks after each cycle there would be quite a bit of hair coming out in my brush etc.  but I have no bald patched and still a full head of hair albeit thinner.  By time I go for next round each time the shedding has reduced and its even starting to grow. 
    how are you feeling after treatment xx 

    madhatter - my testing took around 7 weeks so hopefully same for you 

    pippin - keeping everything crossed your scan shows good results for you

    We had a baby shower on Sunday for my daughter in law - baby due 27 th May 

    it was really nice to do something normal for once 

    3 of my cousins also completed the 100 push-ups a day throughout April and have raised £3000 for cancer research  I’m incredibly proud of them 

    and then we picked up puppy Saturday and he really has been the very best medicine for me   -  its so easy to retreat and hide away; especially when your kids are all grown up and independent   But pup gives me a focus and a reason to get up and to get outside  

    he is absolutely adorable   I need to find away to post a picture - not sure I can 

    anyhows hoping everyone is well and sending positive vibes for rexults and treatments 


  • Hi NGS, pleased to hear you are feeling good at the moment. It's good to have a bit of a break before starting next cycle. I too have my first docetaxel on Tuesday, along with my first Herceptin injection. I felt OK when going for EC, but now feel really anxious. It's the not knowng how I'll react to this one. I should find out results of breast scan on Friday, from the oncologist. They did say they thought there was some improvement, but would need to compare with previous scan. Apparently, might have to wait a couple of weeks for lung ct scan results, which is annoying. The waiting is the worst bit and causes so much anxiety. How exciting having a new grandchild arriving soon, certainly something to look forward to. Well done to your cousins gor raising so much money for cancer research, that's amazing. What a lovely distraction from treatment, having a new puppy to look after. I'm sure he'll bring you so much happiness. What type of dog is he? Hope all goes well on Tuesday, will be thinking of you. Xx

  • Awww NGS me and you must be on the same think wace, we got a puppy two weeks ago and English Cocker Spaniel and just took him for his first walk today which was lovely and motivating 

    I am the same as you when it comes to the injections. I still get leg pains but most the time managerable with paracetamol but have been given codine from hospital if needed. 

    Congratulations on the the upcoming arrival, my mum loves being Nan as she can hand them back, and what amazing cousins you have.

      same hun all fingers and toes crossed

      my hair started coming out from 2 treatment, it just started spreading loads and then dried up and matted really easily so found myself relived and in control in the end when I shaved it. My struggle is finding coverings I like, but it's hot where I am today and went out all bold and no one batters a eyelid, so just do what you find comfortable for you. (I couldn't do cold cap as my treatment is weekly) 

     I am the same as you with EC, its not know how you are going to react and everyone is so different, but it's all working toward kicking cancer butt mate. I am keeping everything crossed for you for your results.

  • Hi MadhatterC, lovely to hear you too have a beautiful new puppy. Like NGS, this must be a great distraction for you while going through treatment. Hope you are feeling OK at the moment. Xx

  • Hi ladies,

    Just wanted to check in.

    So lovely to hear happy news of puppies and babies on the way!...and also of awesome fundraising! Amazing!! 

    Hope you are all doing ok. I think NGS and PIppin you have your first round of Docetaxol on Tuesday? Really hope it goes ok and hope you can enjoy a lovely bank holiday weekend this weekend and enjoy feeling vaguely normal!! It''s always so nice having that time of feeling normal inbetween cycles..makes you appreciate feeling well!

    Pippin - hope you got the results back ok today too and hope it was positive news. Have been thinking of you.

    I had my third round on Tuesday, (second round of TC) have felt pretty nausous for the last couple of days but think i may be over the hump for that specific side effect! Hate feeling sick...I definitely wasn't as sick on the last round so this threw me a little but yes hoping i'm over the worst...have been out for a walk with my husband who is now back from America so that was good, fresh air always helps....and now i am having some sofa time and about to watch a rubbish movie where i don't have to think before school pick up!...

    Take care and hope you all have a lovely long weekend xx

  • Hi Greeny80, feeling sick is horrible, glad to hear that you're over the worst of it. It's nice that your husband is now home and you're able to get out and about. I had my review with the advanced clinical practitioner from the chemo ward this morning. Had thought previously these reviews were with someone from oncology, but apparently not. Review went well and I got the go ahead for chemo on Tuesday. My breast scan showed that tumours are shrinking, which is good news. Results from lung ct scan are not back yet unfortunately. They've warned me that docetaxel can be brutal and I may feel extremely tired. Also informed me of possible nail damage and loss, recommended dark nail polish. Also discussed the possibility of getting peripheral neuropathy in hands and feet. Will just have to wait and see how it goes. Confirmed I'll also be having the Herceptin injection on Tuesday. It apparently takes sbout 8 minutes to administer, so not looking forward to that one.

    Also wishing good luck to NHS for Tuesday, hope all goes well. 

    Wishing everyone a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. Xx