Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Rufusblue, glad to hear you are feeling OK physically.  The struggle trying to stay positive is totally understandable, I think most people would be the same. Sorry I missed responding to your last post. Such a shame that you'll have to go further afield  to find a new hair clinic, hope you manage to find somewhere equally as good. Annoying you had issues with getting cert for work, but glad you got it sorted. Hope you had a lovely Easter. Xx

  • Hi Greeny80 

    I was just reading your post about hair loss.  Mine started to fall out in clumps around day 14, though the chemo I was having was pretty strong and I guess everyone's different.  I had no real warning, it just started to fall out in clumps so I ended up getting it all cut off.  At first every time I looked in the mirror it made me feel sick and depressed and I avoided mirrors for quite a while, then I guess I just got used to it. Started to make fun of myself calling myself an Ostrich (as it was very tufty on top lol) and then started to forget what it looked like and opened the door to poor delivery people with no hair lol, forgetting it would likely be a bit of a shock to them.  However, no-one batted an eyelid and I guess because no-one else cared much, I started to care less too.  I do wear a head scarf if I have video calls at work and pop a wig on if I go "out out", but around the house I tend to leave my head uncovered to let it breathe, unless I get cold, then I cover it up.  I do find if I sweat at night that with no hair, the sweat has nowhere to go, so I wear a little soft turban to help combat that. 

    Since having EC I have also lost eyebrows and my eyelashes have thinned.  I have become quite adept at drawing eyebrows and have found an eyeliner that stays on all day, even if you use it on the inner side of your lids.  Putting a line on the inner, upper lid just about a third from the outer corner of the eye gives a good illusion of eyelashes.  Again, most people don't even notice. Quite frankly, as the lady in the Look Good Feel Better workshop said, if someone notices you don't have eyelashes, they're too close! lol. Strangely I miss my eyebrows way more than my hair, who knew. 

    Anyway, I hope this helps a little and am always here if you want to chat to someone who's a bit further down the line with treatment.  All the best with everything and I hope the minimal side effects continue.  

    Carol xx

  • Hey Carol,

    Thanks so for getting back to me and for all the info about your hair loss...i think you've got the right attitude towards it and making it fun rather than scary or worrying. I'm weirdly not worried about my hair falling out, more intrigued about if/when/how it will fall out?...although i imagine when it does actually start (If it does!?) then i may feel differently but I think like you, you just have to go with it and accept it as part of the treatment. I've seen some of the Look Good Feel good workshops which i'll definitely watch when my hair starts to thin..i think i'll miss my eyebrows more too!!!! Anyway will be interesting to see what happens in my next round..i've got TC dose on Tuesday so will be intersting to see how my body reacts to that rather than the EC...time will tell! At the moment very much enjoying feeling good and normal this week before they knock me down again next week!!!

    What cycle etc are you on? Hope you've been ok side effects wise, other than your hair.

    Thanks again for your reply, it's been super helpful and comforting chatting on this little forum!

    Take care and hope you're having a good day! xx

  • How are you doing Pippin? How's the Port? Hope you're doing ok....xx

  • Hi Greeny80, I'm doing really well thank you. I took paracetamol the day after port fitting, but have been fine since. Had a lovely visit from both my daughters and the grandchildren yesterday, then met up with friends in the evening. This evening we're out for dinner with my brother and sister in law, which will be lovely. Think Sunday will definitely need to be a day of rest for me. How are you doing at the moment? Hope you enjoy the week ahead, before next round of chemo. My next lot is the day before yours. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Greeny80

    I didn’t really get any signs my hair would start shedding.  Just loose strand and then more and more.  
    weirdly it has slowed down again but I’m wondering if come 2 weeks post cycle it will start up:again.  The logic is so bizarre 

    I felt quite “angry” for a while when initially diagnosed as I had as I say have my ovaries removed and taken tamoxifen.  I also breast fed my 3 children. In other words I did everything advised to improve chances against breast cancer 

    I had yearly mammograms and always thought any issue would be picked up early maybe some radiotherapy.  I was so dumbfounded to be here having chemo 

    I struggled with how the cancer was estrogen positive when i had done all I could to block estrogen in my body - no supplements either 

    I’m fine now and in a good head space.  I see this as body armouring myself against the future.  I may even have felt cheated if not having chemo.  

    post chemo I will be having radiotherapy and zometa bone therapy.  I will then take Letrazole for at least 10 years

    I’ve decided I can’t predict the future but I can sure live life to the full and I’ll be doing just that


  • Oh that's fab to hear Pippin and so nice you've got some lovely plans. Week 3 is so nice! It's so good to feel normal and good again...although then feels weird to think i'm about to plunge myself into feeling not so tip top!...but then at least i'll have another cycle under my belt! but yes feeling good this week, have been for a few runs and although i can already feel my fitness levels falling it's just good to be out. We have some gorgeous trails near me so it's lovely to be out and out walking the dog etc...

    So happy you got to see your daughter and grandchildren and i bet your daughter is relieved to see you handing all of this so well. You sound super positive about everything which i think is half the battle! Enjoy your dinner out too...we are off out on Sunday evening with the kids for dinner too. Cant wait!

    Ah i thought you were a week ahead of me, did they change the dates because of Easter? Yes mine is on Tuesday...so is your next one on Monday round 3? Half way there!! yay!

    Have a lovely weekend and enjoy spending time with your brother and sister-in-law and hope you can enjoy a relaxing Sunday.

    Chat soon! xxs

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hey NGS,

    Good to hear from you. I can totally understand why you'd feel angry..It just seems so unfair doesn't it? Cancer is cruel and there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to how, when and who it hits. When i was diagnosed all my friends were like "how can you have it, you're so fit and healthy?" but that's exactly it, it doesn't discriminate...all i can take from this is that i am fit and healthy so going into treatment I can tackle it from the best starting point...

    Mine is super hormone driven too - i was 8ER and 8PR...i do wonder if it was having the coil fitted..i'm convinced it was but the doctors will never admit to that?!?! Who knows, i know i can't dwell on the why though, i just have to get on with the cards i've been dealt and do everthing i can to prevent it coming back...

    I'm so sorry you have been diagnosed after ovary removal and tamoxifen...were you taking tamoxifen for preventative measures or had you already been diagnosed with something or cancer previously? Wondering why you had your ovaries removed? Don't mean to pry, please don't feel like you have to share...

    I'm so glad you're in a better and good headspace now though..,like you say you are now doing everything you can to prevent re-occurence and that with Letrazole should keep it at bay...we hope! All we can do is take the druvgs offered, live a good and healthy life as much as we can and then go live life!! Something positive always comes out of something negative..and appreciating life even more than before is definitely one of them...

    Look after yourself xx

  • Think I got mixed up with who's chemo is near to mine. Mine didn't change due to Easter, but will be affected by May day bank holiday. My round 3 is on the 15th April and then have 4 docetaxel after that. Glad to hear you have been able to get out running, I've just got back for a lovely walk. Enjoy your dinner out with the kids on Sunday. Xx

  • haha yes it is confusing! We are all slightly out of sink!! Yes mine is on the 9th and then you're the week later i think..Hope your last EC goes well...I'm on TC on Tuesday so will interesting to see how i fair with the new combo.  Hopefully ok!

    Have a lovely weekend xx