Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • It went well huh, PICC properly took 30/45 minutes once they had finished the prep. They were lovely and other then the  local a to the area, there was no pain at all. Treatment was good. It was a flush and then the immunotherapy which was around 30 minutes. Then a flush and some anti nausan and some piriton I think. Then another flush and then the chemo drugs start with a flush in-between and at the end. Had quite a lot of lemon squash and tuna sandwich. (Also eat a whole box of cherry jaffa cakes #yum). Went to the loo a lot and watch a film. 

    Just hoping I am not Constipated today as I don't think I went yesterday out of nerves and I normally go early hours of the morning. 

    Sleep was a bit of a pain as I either went loo, got back to bed, got comfortable and then had a hot flush and it was a bit of a cycle going on. 

    Got 2 of them look good, feel better class from home today, and hoping for a little walk, before little one breaks up from school for Easter and then my exit isn't so quick. 

    When is round 3 hun?

  • Oh mate them plans sound lovely. Fingers crossed on the weather for you hun, and treat yourself to a Easter egg. 

  • Sounds like you had a lot going on during your treatment, you must have been exhausted. Hope you will manage to get plenty of rest, especially with the children being home from school. Do you have anyone to give you some support?  I have been just the same as you during the night. Waking up with hot flushes, then needing the loo. Although last night only once, that's a first! Haven't had the bad headache this time which is great. However, constipation has started, must be the meds I think. Think I'll start taking something for that today. Glad you're enjoying the classes. I don't have camera on PC, so unable to do them unfortunately. April will be a bit busier for me. Have my port being fitted on the 3rd, next chemo on 15th, then ct thorax scan at the end of the month. They want to check a couple of lung nodules they found on my lungs, which is a bit of a worry. I'm dreading the waiting game again for results. My 4th chemo will now be slightly delayed, due to it being a bank holiday. Will be changed to a different day and all further treatments will be on that day. It's a shame, the Monday's worked well for me. You take care and keep resting and feel free to chat anytime. Xx

  • How are you all doing ladies!? Just wanted to check in!! For those who had their second round this week, (Pippin, madhatter, Rufusblue, NGS)  I hope you’re doing ok and hope those side effects are still minimal…and really hope you can enjoy some fresh air but also put your feet up this Easter weekend.

    i’m good, slight niggly throat still (day 10!!) but gargling difflam which is working really well. Slightly constipated but energy back and hoping for a good week or so before round 2 on the 9th! 

    Oh and my taste might still be a bit off but it turns out chocolate still tastes good!!! 

    Hope you all enjoy a lovely Easter. sending hugs xx

  • Hi Greeny80, lucky my side effects still minimal, a bit of constipation, which I think is the meds. Last time it eased up once I stopped taking the tablets. My injections start tonight, so hoping that goes smoothly too. Annoying for you that it is affecting your taste, but be sure to enjoy an Easter egg over the weekend. Glad to hear the Difflam is helping your throat, might have to ask for some, if I get sore throat this time. I had one really bad night of hot flushed and getting up for the loo, but the last two nights have been a bit better thank goodness. As you mentioned, hope everyone else is doing OK at the moment. Sending hugs and thinking of you all. Xx

  • Oh I just love that you’re taking this all in your stride and seem to be managing so well! Your body seems to be tolerating the EC so well..Amazing news! Good luck with the injections..hopefully you’ll breeze through those too! 

    I only had about 60% of the dose for the first round but my body clearly didn’t like this one! Feeling so much better now my energy levels seem to be back to normal! Hurrah! Looking forward to hanging out with the family for the next couple of days in Jersey! Was so windy last night we very nearly didn’t make it! 

    Have a good day! Xx

  • Hello everyone. 

    im doing well so far with minimal side effects.  Slept well last night thankfully.  I started the injections but dosed up on the pain meds so hoping that will keep things under control this time.  Had a bit of heartburn but drinking peppermint tea is helping.  To be honest I questioned if I was in sympathy for my son’s girlfriend who is 7 months pregnant.  I have a busy house as my 3 adult sons plus the girlfriend all still live at home ( I absolutely love it ). 
    I suffer with osteoarthritis in my hips so mobility is difficult for me but hoping I can get in the garden for a stroll back and forth and to enjoy the fresh air.  Wish I could go for a walk ( I live in Lincolnshire) but it is just too painful and any chance of hip surgery is now out of the question at the moment.  Never mind. 

    greeny - a taste for chocolate sounds good to me.  You enjoy. And have a fabulous time away with family.  I’m sure it will be the best medicine.  

    pippin - glad side effects minimal. Hope injections go smoothly too for you. And best of luck for Port next week. 

    madhatter - glad all has gone well and equally hoping side effects minimal for you.  The PICC certainly makes it easier going forward .  Did you enjoy the look good feel better - I found them really useful. Have you done / booked a face to face make up one.  

    rufusblue - how are you feeling ? Hoping you too have some nice plans over Easter 

    sending hugs , positive vibes and good wishes to you all xxx

  • So pleased that you now can be with family for a couple of days in Jersey, I'm sure it will do you the world of good. We were just saying last week that we'd like to go to Jersey for a holiday, as we've never been. Any recommendations of where to stay would be greatly appreciated. Have a lovely Easter and sending big hugs. Xx

  • Good to hear that things are going well for you so far. Sounds like you have a lot of family around you which must be lovely. I have hubby an adult son at home which is great.  I try and catch up with everyone else when not isolating. Have a big meet up with my daughters and the two grandchildren Friday week, so fingers crossed they all stay well. Have a lovely Easter. Xx

  • Hi everyone I'm still feeling OK on my treatment but next one is delayed until Wednesday because of Easter,  been to choose a new wig ( my 3rd as I have 2 others from before in the wardrobe) and I'm really happy with it,  the upsetting thing was the hair clinic is closing down in 4 weeks and they are so lovely in there.   Hope you all continue to be OK with your treatment,  my youngest daughter has come back from Uni full of cold so I've been wearing a mask when I'm around her, totally not what I needed! Have a lovely Easter and sending positive thoughts and prayers to you all xx