Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Yay one more down and then yes next time you’ll be half way!! Yay!!! That makes it sounds very doable…you’re totally nailing this! .glad the oncologist gave you the go ahead to continue.fab news….sorry you can’t sleep though but hope you can have a relatively quiet day tomorrow?? It’s no wonder really though as so much pumping through your body! Really hope you have a relatively easy ride this cycle..sending ALL the positive vibes your way..and hope you can drift back off to sleep soon!’ 

    and haha!! You absolutely need to be booking in some nice things for post treatment! Do it!!! The end is in site!! 


  • Glad to hear the nausea is settling, make sure to tell them about it next time, they can probably adjust your meds. I did get a sore throat last time after a few days and a sore tongue, but that didn't last too long, so hopefully yours will settle down too. It's strange how people react differently to the various drugs, maybe you'll be much better with the next one. Hope you have a lovely time away visiting your parents, I'm sure it will do you good. Xxx

  • Yes hoping the sore throat won’t stay around for long…then I can have a few weeks of feeling good before we go again! Will be interesting to see how differently i react to the new drugs and the Docetaxel!! We’ll see!

    yes can’t wait to see family and to be by the sea..even if freezing and windy it’s always good to get a blast of sea air! 

    wherabaouts do you live? Are you UK? 

    hope you have a good day today and manage to get our for your daily walk! Xx

  • Hi Rufusblue, it sure is good to get that second one ticked off. Hopefully the elevated liver function doesn't worsen and delay the 3rd one. Have increased my water intake in the hope that helps. April will be busy for me. Have my port being fitted next week, third cycle, then thorax ct scan, which I'm a little worried about. Not sure how long results will take for that, not too long I hope. I hate the thought of the waiting game again. How are you feeling at the moment?

  • Good to hear that you didn't have the same reaction as last time. I slept a lot this evening, so not sure how tonight will go. Hopefully your injections won't cause so much trouble, with the new meds. I don't start mine until day 4. I have 7 cycles of treatment, so 1 more than you. One more EC, then four docetaxel. I hope you continue to feel fine this time round. Xx

  • That's me tonight/this morning Pippin up and down like a yo yo

  • I think a change of scenery us always good, we're thinking of having a few days away soon. Be sure to enjoy that sea air, nothing beats it  I live I Hertfordshire, not too far from the outskirts of London. How about yourself? It will be interesting to see how the docetaxel goes, is ti's the one they're changing you to? I start that one on cycle 4. I did manage a 2 1/2 mile walk again today, which was lovely. Just hoping the weather holds out for the rest of the week. Take care and keep in touch. Xx

  • Hi NGS, all went well, just hot flushes and going loo a lot. Got a silk bonnet to sleep in aswell to catch any hair strands so that feels a bit odd. It's a lot easier for them with picc in. 1 down 13 to go mate to try and shrink the little s.o.b.

  • Hi MadhatterC, I've slept a lot this evening, so not sure how tonight will go. I hope you manage to get some sleep. How did your PICCline and treatment go?

  • Yes was going to be 3 x EC then 3 x Docetaxel (T) but now it’s going to be 5 rounds of TC so the C part plus the Docetaxel…

    I live in Surrey..and my parents are in jersey so hoping over there tonight!! Just have to be careful at the airport snd wear a mask but once there should be fine..walks on the beach and some home comforts and catching up with my brothers and nephews!!

    yes hope the rain stays away so you can get out and about..definitely get the fresh air helped so much with all my symptons and mentally too!!

    Hope you can drift back off to sleep again soon! My husband had to set the alarm for 1am as he has a random work call he couldn’t get out of! So we’re both wide awake!! 

    Hope you’ve got some nice Easter plans..are you seeing your grandkids again soon? Xx