Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hey Pippin,

    So glad you can go ahead nexct week. Really hope you can enjoy a lovely weekend this weekend and hope all goes well for ro0und 2. I have faith you'll sail through it like the first round...

    It's great that they're keeping an eye on your liver but  i agree as NGS says they will most likely just tweak your dose slightly and keep an eye. When I had my allergic reaction to one of the drugs they immediately said they would switch to another one, I was then so worried about being undertreated and not getting the strongest drug that they had initially wanted to put me on but they have assured me i won't be, i hvae to trust that.... but they also said they have lots of different drugs and lots of different strengths and options and they will 100% tailor it to you and your body. Hopefully your liver will be totally fine after the next one and it was just a little reaction to the first round...your body may acclimatise to the drugs and you can continue as planned. 

    Sending you a big hug for next week...always here to chat xx

  • Ah thanks for asking! I'm doing ok! Feel like i have turned a corner a bit today! Have been feeling super nauseous, weird metallic taste in my mouth and quite tired in the afternoons but think the tiredness may be due to the co-cocomol which i take before my injections rather than the chemo?? You have to take the injections too don't you? 

    The sickness hasn't been great, all i've wanted is ALL THE CARBS!...cheese, crackers, salt and vinegar and weirdly cucumber!! Feels like weird preganacy cravings..which i didn't actually get when i was pregnant!!

    I feel a lot better today though and have been out for dog walks every day, fresh air and slighlty nicer weather has definitely helped! Hoping now i can feel vaguely normal for a couple of weeks...have my daughters 13th birthday, Husbands birthday and my birthday all in the next 2 weeks! So some fun things to look forward to before round 2!

    How are you doing? Sorry you're feeling apprehensive about your next round, i totally get that. The first round you go in a little bit in denial don't you?...but you'll be totally fine and maybe your body will know what to expect having done it before?? and then you'll be out the other side before you know it and would have ticked off another round!!! Hope it all goes well...always here for chat and an offload...it won't be long before we're all at the end of this little journey!!

    big hugs xx

  • Hi Greeny80, you're right, they will probably just adjust the dosage or change to a different type of chemo. My first thought was that they would just stop treatment, which really worried me. With you they are changing your chemo, so I'm now reassured that they could do this for me. I too have been eating stuff I wouldn't normally go for, especially chocolate, which I normally rarely eat. Hope you enjoy all the birthday celebrations over the next couple of weeks, it's certainly nice to have something to look forward to. Pleased to hear you are now feeling better and are getting lots of fresh air, I find this helpful too. Xx

  • Good luck for number 2 tomorrow xx

  • Sending masses of luck for next round. Let us know how you get on. Will be thinking of you. 

    Hope your liver is ok..but yes they have so many options and doses etc so don’t worry you will definitely still be treated but I guess everyone is different and reacts differently that at the beginning it is probably a little trial and error before they find the correct dose for your body so minimal long term side effects but maximum cancer killing power! 

    really hope the side effects are fairly minimal again this time around! xx

  • Thank you so much, will let you know how it goes. Hope you are feeling OK. Xx

  • Thank you, will give you an update after treatment. Last one with canula hopefully, port due to be fitted before 3rd cycle. Xx

  • Good luck today.  Hope all goes well for you xxx 

  • Hi really pleased you e turned that corner. Hopefully some reprieve now before next round.  Did you find the cocodamol bunged you up.  I might try this as pain was so bad from injections. It’s definitely the injections causing me the anxiety 


  • Good luck for today hun. Hope all goes well c