Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Good luck with your treatment tomorrow, will be thinking of you. Xx

  • S pleased you are feeling better   Hope the bloods went well today   Im doing ok. Next round on Tuesday so hoping for a similar ride xx 

    good luck for Monday x

  • Hope side effects remain minimal for you.  What a start but as you say this ride is certainly unpredictable and fluid.   I’m back next Tuesday for round 2 


  • Ditto.  Good luck for tomorrow Rufusblue.  Will be thinking of you 


  • NGS thank you,  I didn't feel really reassured as my partner can't be with me as he has been before when I have treatment so that was a bit of a blow but blame covid as that's when it all changed,  1st one tomorrow,  I'm hoping and praying that it has an effect xx

  • Thank you Pippin 24, hope you're feeling a little better since the initial shock of losing your hair,  nothing prepares you for it I remember the feeling but it will soon come back when you finish your treatment so focus on the end in sight xx

  • Thank you, and you for Tuesday. Hopefully you'll  have an easier time after this cycle. Xx

  • I am feeling much better thank you and now ready for treatment  number 2. It's a shame they won't let your partner in with you, maybe if you tell them you're anxious they would make an exception. They told me my husband couldn't come in, but I noticed a couple of other people had someone with them. Sending you a big hug. Xx

  • I also received an appointment for April today for a ct thorax with contrast. Had a bit of a panic at first as I know they are checking the lung nodules they previously saw. I then remembered they did tell me they would be repeating a scan in three months. It's still scary though and will be another round of waiting for results. They will obviously be checking if they've got bigger and if the cancer has spread. It does seem like as fast as you relax about one thing, another one  takes it's place.  Xx

  • Hey Pippin, 

    just read your message to Rufusblue..sorry you’ve had a bit of a panic with the cat thorax appt but it’s good they’re staying on top of this. Do you know how long you’ll have to wait for the results? I agree the waiting can be the hardest part…but also you’re now on Chemo so that will be working everywhere in your body too so hopefully killing anything else not wanted in your body. Keeping everything FIRMLY crossed that the results come back quickly and that they’re clear. Concentrate on your next round. You’ve got this and it sounds like your first round went well so really hoping round 2 is more of the same.

    how’s your hair doing?

    im still feeling pretty nauseaous, seems to be worse in the mornings but I can feel it easing a little and I’m getting out to walk the dog every day and enjoying the slightly warmer weather which is good. Hoping my next cocktail of drugs doesn’t make me feel so sick!!!

    Sending big hugs good luck next week, let us know how you get on with chemo2, Picc line and the thorax test. Will be thinking of you  xx