Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Rufusblue, I'm so sorry to hear that you're now going to be on treatment for life, that must be a difficult thing to hear. I have a friend in a similar position, who has secondary breast cancer, which has spread to the brain. However, she is doing amazingly well, treatments are so good now. Will the weakly chemo be only for a certain amount of time? I seem fine after injection yesterday, so will see how that goes. Sleep is my biggest problem at the moment, keep waking at about 4.30am, then can't sleep anymore. I think it's more to do with coming off hrt and getting hot flushes. I am also worried a bit about a couple of lung nodules and a cyst on my liver. They've said not to worry about it and I'll be having another scan in 3 months. It's difficult not to worry about everything though. Will you need surgery for the lump, or just the chemo?  Please keep in touch to let me know how things go. Sending big hugs. Xxx

  • Hi Pippin from what I've gathered there's no end to the chemotherapy which I find upsetting,  it's classed as inoperable so can't have an operation,  good to hear your friends doing well,  I'm going to have to try and pick myself up and get on with it.  It could be the steroids that's keeping you awake so hopefully it's a temporary thing,  take care xx

  • Hi Pippin, I"m glad the chemo seems to be going well and the injections too, i think i'm going to have to do that too so it's good to hear you're ok on them. Sorry sleep isn't great though..ive been waking at silly o'clock too and i haven't started my treatment!!....i think you just wake up and then your. brain pings open and there's so much buzzing around your head. Really hope you can get into a better sleeping pattern soon...these hormones and overactive brain have a lot to answer for don't they!!!!..Sounds like you're doing well though.but i'm so sorry you're worrying about the nodules...yes very easy for them to say don't worry but i can totally undestand that you will...but if they're not worried for now then hopefully that will give you some comfort. Concentrate on the chemo that you're having now and it's fab that they want to check again in 3 months so if it is anything they'll be totally on it...i know it's hard to put it the back of your brain though so i'm sending big virtual hugs...and really hope the next few days are ok with the chemo. xx

  • Oh i'm so sory to read this. I want to jump out the screen and give you a hug....That must have been a lot to hear today. BUT it sounds like they have a plan....and although perhaps not curable they can hopefuly treat and keep at bay...do you know when you'll start your treatment? You need to go and do something nice for yourself...but you can totally do this...i'm sure you have so much support around you so lean on them...and i am here too if you want to offload to a random!! I'm here. Big hugs xx

  • It certainly is upsetting to be on permanent chemo, but try to stay positive. I suppose we have to be grateful that there are so many available treatments with what we have. Let me know how you get on moving forward. I'll also keep you updated too, especially with regards to my next scan regarding the nodules. I think once you have cancer, there is no end to the worry unfortunately. I saw that you posted a new thread, I hope you get some responses from others in a similar position, which may be of some help to you. Xxx

  • To be honest I think sleep issues are to do with hot flushes, as had to come off hrt. One minute I'm boiling hot, next minI feel cold. I ended up listening to relaxing music from sbout 4.30am, which was better than laying there overthinking everything. Managed to clean bathrooms and go for an hours walk with hubby, so a pretty good day today. Trying really hard to not focus on the nodules they found. Even before I had my scan, they said they have seen these a lot since covid. Just need to keep reminding myself of that. Did you manage to sort out a wig and decide whether you will try the cold cap?

  • Ah that’s really good to know xx 

  • Sorry to hear this.  But please stay positive.  My cousin developed secondary breast cancer in her lymph nodes some years after breast cancer.  She has been managing this with tablet chemotherapy well for the past 8 years xxx 

  • You’ve done really well.  I’ve been pretty tired with a fuzzy head.  Just think the chemo circulating around your body will be attacking anything that should not be there and it is fantastic they are on it and monitoring.  I know it’s hard not to worry though - we are but human. Xxx 

  • Thank you for this, I've got to pick myself up and try and be positive , all of you on here are so much help,  giving hope ️ xx