Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Thank you. Had my hair cut on monday and bought my wig, which I'm happy with. I decided against the cold cap as I am already prone to headaches, hope it goes well for you. Still haven't heard anything about the port, apparently it has been requested. Had hoped to have it done while I felt well. Will now have to go through that procedure, while not feeling so great. How was it having the PICC line put in? Feeling a little nervous now, have also been getting lots of twinges in my breast, which is a bit worrying. Wishing you good luck for Tuesday, would be great to keep in touch about how treatment is going. Xx

  • Hi Pippin24. Thank you so much for sharing this thread. It has been really helpful. I was diagnosed on Saturday with Stage 3 Tripple Negative in the left boob. I have had a MRI this week and meeting with oncology Friday. (Feeling very nervous and overwhelmed). I really hope everything goes well for you, and if you feel you can please keep us update.

  • Hi MadhatterC, so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, it is a scary time. It sounds like things are moving forward quickly for you, as your MRI and oncology appointment are so soon. I was diagnosed on 18th January, had MRI and CT scan straight away. Had to wait a couple of weeks for oncology appointment, and also for treatment start date. I think it's all the waiting that is so stressful, but I know it's important for them to gather all the information, before deciding what treatment will be needed. My chemo is first with Herceptin (Im HER2 positive) followed by radiotherapy, then mastectomy, Will then be on hormone blockers for 5-10 years. Do you have any idea yet what order your treatment will be in?

  • Thanks also for wishing me well and the same goes for you too. I will post an update to let you know how thing are going. I have to say this site has been great. I think you will find it really helpful and informative. Good luck with everything. Xx

  • Hello Madhatter ,I have also had bilateral mastectomies ,lymphclearance on left ,followed by chemotherapy.

    All went well and no real side effect .Have to take Letrezole for 10 years now too. Also had reconstructive surgery . 
    Keep in touch and good luck xx

  • Hi Pippin24, all I know at the moment is Chemo, surgery and radiotherapy. There is also a genetics test true to being triple negative. 

  • Thank you rumpeldtiltskin for the replay. I am so glad everything went well for you. 

  • Hope you don't have too long to wait. Always here for a chat. Xx

  • Having a stressful day today. Had my pre chemo consultation by phone today. Went well with lots of information given about what to expect.  However, I did forget to mention about some niggling breast pain I've been having. They come and go, sometimes slightly shooting pain. Did phone breast care nurses last week, who said probably due to all the biopsies I had. They were done a few weeks ago, so wondered if pains would only start happening in the last week. So annoyed with myself, even had it written down. I know I can mention on Monday, but will now have to go through two more days of stress!!

  • Hi Pippin 24, I think every little niggling pain is a worry when you're in the position that we are, try not to worry hopefully the chemotherapy will start to work killing all of the harmful cancer cells,  hope everything goes well for you on Monday,   I'm anxious at the moment waiting for my PET scan results on Friday the 8th xx