Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Thank you. Have to have bloods done on Thursday and pre chemo telephone call next Saturday. No mention of having port fitted, so I assume they'll just use canula!

  • That's great ! Good luck,  hope everything goes well for you xx 

  • Hi Pippin 24, if it wasn't for the worry hanging over me I can honestly say I feel fine in myself,  it is achy where the lump is as its underneath where your bra band sits and I'm positive it's definitely got bigger since I very first found it on the 18th of December so just want to get on with treatment now,  the sooner the better!  There are some lovely wigs out there,  I've always chosen one similar to my own colour and style and most people are non the wiser when you see them in the street  ...keep being positive xx

  • I think all the waiting is such an anxious time, really feel for you. It's very surreal at the moment, like you I feel fine. Will only feel ill once treatment starts. But the sooner it starts, the sooner it's over!

  • Hi Pippin 

    Mir seems our journeys start at the same time. My first round of chemo is 5 th March.  I'm having PICC put in Monday and wig appointment Tuesday.  I've had ECG , heart ultrasound , jaw x Ray and got dental appointment this week.  See chemo nurses Tuesday.  All feeling very real.  I have really long hair so absolutely dreading hair loss.  I am putting off getting it cut as cannot face this yet.

    good luck with treatment.  Be lovely to keep in touch throughout.  I've got 6 rounds every 3 weeks followed by radiotherapy.  Bone therapy alongside for 3 years then letrazole for 10 years.  

    good luck x  

  • Good luck with your first treatment, hope all goes well. Wish I could see chemo nurses face to face, unfortunately it's a meeting by phone. I was hoping to get a port fitted, but have heard nothing, so assume it will be a canula on the day. Had echocardiogram last week, as I have to have Herceptin, which can affect the heart. I'm going to be on EC-T chemo, 3 cycles of EC, then 4 of T. The T part is docetaxel which I'm dreading to be honest. It's so hard to lose your hair, I can understand you not being able to face cutting it yet. I'm getting mine cut short on Monday, just to ease me into the change. Agree it would be lovely to keep in touch on our journey. Xx

  • It sounds like our treatment plans are same.  I’m having 3 cycles of EC every 3 weeks then 3 cycles of Docetaxel.  My oncologist suggested the docetaxel may have less impact on hair but will wait to see.  
    if you haven’t heard of it already I joined Looked Good feel better.  They run workshops on hair / nails and make up - skincare during treatment.  I did face to face skin / make up group which was wonderful with lots of freebies.  

    hopefully after 1 st round I’ll know what to expect but the unknown other than everything I’m told makes me feel anxious 

    My breast cancer is also grade 3.  I’ve had 2 surgeries so far.  Lumpectomy and re excision.


  • Hi NGS, will have a look at Looked good feel better, thanks for the tip. I have purchased a product called polybalm, which was recommended to me by someone on this site. I've read that docetaxel is pretty harsh on nail damage and this product apparently helps to prevent it. Worth a try I think. I'm going to contact macmillan nurse tomorrow, as I'm anxious about pre chemo consultation being over the phone. My phone connection isn't always great  and I would also like hubby to be part of the conversation. Good luck on the 5th and let me know how uou get on. Xx

  • Wishing you luck and positivity for your first round of chemo on Monday.  I start Tuesday. PICC line is in and having hair cut Sunday 

    l have elected to try the cold cap as well 
