Liposarcoma - have moved from Pre-diagnosis

My operation is called Resection retroperitoneal sarcoma left nephrectomy left hemicolectomy splenectomy? Distal pancreatectomy.

  • Offline in reply to Mary.

    Hi Mary, so sorry to hear your appt was cancelled, back to the waiting game. Hope you don't have to wait too long.  I love your positivity in that you can say "I have HAD cancer". That's brilliant x

  • Hi Mary,

    I am so sorry to hear that your appointment was cancelled. It is so difficult to accept this when you were all geared up for it. Did they give you any indication of how much longer you may have to wait for the results to be back?

    I am delighted to hear that you feel fit enough to do a little more weeding, but glad to hear that you are trying to be more sensible about how much you tackle.

    Unfortunately, I've not been well myself this week, so didn't see the Super Surgeons programme on Tuesday - do I take it that you found this interesting?

    Please let us know when you get your appointment through - I sincerely hope that it won't take too long.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Mary no I didn't see Super Surgeons on Tuesday ,to be fair I don't watch much TV but I'm sure you found it very interesting considering you had a super surgeon ,he wasn't on the programme was he ??? that would have been something special for you seeing the surgeon who did your operation ,I wouldn't have been surprised to see him considering the amazing operations he did for you ,I remember you saying he was a Top Surgeon x

  • Hi Jolamine its lovely to hear from you although I'm sorry to hear you haven't been well this week ,I'm hoping its nothing too serious and that you are now starting to feel much better x

  • Hi Jenny,

    Many thanks for your kind thoughts. I am getting a little better each day and should soon feel back to normal. I hope that you are keeping well and enjoying this lovely weather.

    Jolamine xx

  • He was the first one. It was interesting seeing him on television. He removed a patient's sarcoma.

  • Offline in reply to Cfb

    Thank you. Are you okay?

  • I am so sorry you have been unwell but hope you will feel better soon.

    No, I wasn't told of a new appointment for the results. However, I decided that I would ring radiology to ask how long results of scans were taking.This was yesterday. The polite lady did not tell me that but she asked for my details and told me that the results were sent to the consultant 7am that morning.

  • Hi Mary,

    It sounds as if you should soon be hearing from your consultant. I'm sure that it must have felt strange seeing your him on television, but this just goes to show what a super surgeon you had.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Wow what an amazing surgeon who has a God given gift ,I bet its hard to believe he was the top man who did your operation ,its fascinating I can imagine he's saved many lives and will save many more ,he's a hero .