Liposarcoma - have moved from Pre-diagnosis

My operation is called Resection retroperitoneal sarcoma left nephrectomy left hemicolectomy splenectomy? Distal pancreatectomy.

  • Mary 

    loveky to hear from you , you take care love Lara x 

  • Thank you. Next Thursday it will be blood test, CT scan and then follow up consultation.

  • Here's to many many sunny days Mary ,I saw that you have some tests and a scan next week I hope everything goes well and you get good results ,how have you been feeling lately do you feel like you're getting stronger I hope so ,let us know how things go will be thinking about you next week x

  • Thank you. I think I had been feeling stronger until someone from Radiology at the hospital rang about 6.30pm yesterday to say that Prof etc had requested a CT scan - why wasn't a blood test and consultation enough? When I saw him last, 28th December, I asked then if he would want a CT scan and he said no. I suppose even the best change their minds.

  • I think you're right Mary even the best change their minds he obviously wants to make absolute sure you are ok ,its a while since your op and he seems very caring and has probably for his peace of mind and yours while you're there decided to have a scan x

  • Hi Mary,

    I shall be thinking of you tomorrow and hope that it all goes well.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • All is well. No more checkups for six months and they should be nearer home. He did say that if it should recur, it is probable that they would not operate again because my kidney might not be able to cope with it
  • All is well. No more checkups for six months and they should be nearer home. He did say that if it should recur, it is probable that they would not operate again because my kidney might not be able to cope with it
  • Great to hear from you I was thinking about you and I'm over the moon all is well and glad to hear no more check ups required for 6 months ,I hope now you can start enjoying your days especially with Summer coming soon ,I know there's always that worry of recurrence but I don't think its something you'll dwell on after what you've been through ,I'm sure most people worry about health issues whether or not they've had a serious illness or not so just concentrate on getting fitter and stronger so you can enjoy life with your hubby ,you have come a long way over a long journey stay positive and we are always here for a friendly chat Mary so stay in touch when you can xxx

  • Hi Mary,

    I am absolutely delighted to hear this. I imagine that you feel very relieved tonight, to receive such good news. I can understand why they wouldn't operate, should you get a recurrence.

    I was told that there was a strong chance that I might not pull through my gall bladder surgery, yet I am fortunate enough to still be here 26 years and 2 bouts of breast cancer, later. I sincerely hope that you have the same good fortune.  One thing that I learned from my experience, was to make the most of each and every day - there is no point in worrying about recurrence, which might never happen.

    How are you feeling in yourself - do you feel a little stronger yet? Your professor is obviously happy with your progress, when he doesn't want you to be checked for another 6 months. I'm sure that you'll be glad that you don't have to travel so far in future.

    As you know Mary, I'm always here whenever you want to chat or update us.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

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