Liposarcoma - have moved from Pre-diagnosis

My operation is called Resection retroperitoneal sarcoma left nephrectomy left hemicolectomy splenectomy? Distal pancreatectomy.

  • Thank you. Time seems to be rushing towards us now. I feel as if I am on the outside watching things happening, not to me. The rest of Wednesday was okay except the journey home which took ages just getting out of London. Thank goodness we weren't driving.

  • Hi Mary,

    I'm sorry to hear that your journey home on Wednesday was such a nightmare - it's at times like this, that you are thankful that you don't live in London and have to face that traffic daily. Are you heading up to London tomorrow, or are you leaving it until Tuesday? That's how I felt too - a sort of out of body experience- as if it were all happing to someone else. You're nearly there now Mary. You've had a very long wait, but you've nearly there at last and it will soon be all behind you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Mary I'll be thinking about you and hoping and praying all goes well ,I've followed your journey from day 1 you seem to have been the most patient person in the world but I know you'll have had your moments ,I'm glad you'll be in the safe hands of Top Doctors and can't wait to see you back on here telling us all went well ,so stay calm and positive Mary they say it helps ,Best Wishes for a speedy recovery xxx

  • Thank you for your support. I am glad you had the same feelings. Travelling up Tuesday, leaving home at 5am, the operation is scheduled for late morning. Not long now. I may not be on here again for quite a while.

  • Thank you for your support. I shall try my best to be positive. Calm - not so easy :-) The consultant anaesthetist asked me last week if I had always been shaky (my hands were shaking a little) and I said no, only the last few weeks!  I may not be on here again for quite a while.

  • We will look forward to your return Mary ,one Day at a time or even one moment at a time you will get there x

  • Hi Mary,

    It doesn't matter if you are not on here for a while, so long as you are being well cared for. Just remember, that we shall all be thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. I shall touch base from time to time, just to remind you of that, but there is absolutely no need for you to reply, until you feel up to it again. We are here and waiting to welcome you back with open arms.

    Stay strong and remember that you can do this.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • All the best with the operation Mary. I hope it is a success and you recover well, I will be thinking of you. I'm sure you'll blast through it all. 

    Less than 2 weeks until my partners sarcoma operation, pre-op on Thursday and meeting her plastic surgeon on Friday. Latest CT scan showed nothing much of interest, which is good I suppose. 

    You'll be on good "internet stranger" company during the recovery period, I know she'll also have you in her thoughts. 

  • Hi Mary,

    You have been in my thoughts all day today and I sincerely hope that your operation went well. I am sure that you will be feeling a little tender just now, but here's wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Mary I just wanted to wish you all the best ,in your recovery , I have you in my thoughts and prayers and I know you're in the best hands possible ,Best Wishes to you and your husband xxx