Liposarcoma - have moved from Pre-diagnosis

My operation is called Resection retroperitoneal sarcoma left nephrectomy left hemicolectomy splenectomy? Distal pancreatectomy.

  • Good luck Mary , will be thinking of you xx

  • Thank you. Am now starting to get worried about my other half by himself for all that time.

  • Hi Mary,

    In some ways, it's a pity that you couldn't have had your surgery sooner. All of this waiting is bound to play with your mind.

    It is only natural that you thought about that question - I would have, were I in your shoes. You wouldn't have been offered the surgery, if the professor and his team, didn't think that this was "doable". These people tend to be very straight with you. If the risks were too big, you would have been told that it was inoperable - you haven't been told this, so hold on to that fact. I hope that you will be given more reassurance on Wednesday. As Jenny says, place your trust in your care team, take each day as it comes and you will get there.

     I see that you are worrying about how your other half will cope when you're in hospital - do you have any family or friends who could help out?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you. I shall try my best. Emotions are strange things, for a little while just now I felt quite calm. We don't have family nearby but do have friends that have offered to visit. I shall miss him very much.

  • Its good of your friends offering to visit  it will make it a lot easier for your husband to visit ,I've no doubt he'll be looking after you well when you get home too x

  • I've no doubt he'll be looking after me well too 

  • Hi Mary,

    Emotions are strange. I am usually fine leading up to surgery, but get more nervous as the day of surgery approaches - it sounds as if you are doing the same. I am glad to hear that you have friends who can pop in to keep an eye on your husband. I'm sure that you will miss him a lot. Do you have a mobile phone - if so, perhaps you could Facetime or What's App one another? This would allow both of you to see how the other is getting on.

    As you know by now Mary, I am always here for you - especially if you have any more "wobbles".


    Jolamine xx

  • We shall talk every day - well, maybe not the first / second days, being in operation then critical care - we have pay as you go mobile 'phones. We learned today that a doctor will ring him after the operation to let him know how it went, so that's good. Also, after I had had an ECG, I was told I have a heart of a 16-year-old!

  • Hi Mary,

    Naturally, you may not be able to talk for the first couple of days, but it's helpful that you both have a mobile phones - how did we cope, before they were invented? The doctors are usually very good at phoning after surgery to let family know how the operation went. It's really great to hear that your heart is so strong - that should certainly stand you in good stead. How did everything else go for you today- sorry, yesterday?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Mary,

    I'm thinking of you as the time draws closer. How are you coping now? Try to keep yourself occupied over the weekend -- it doesn't matter what with - anything to stop you thinking about what lies ahead.

    I'm always here for you,

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

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