Diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer


I have recently been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and am about to embark on a fairly aggressive chemo/immunotherapy treatment plan.  Although the consultant I met with yesterday was lovely, it was a bit doomsday with all the possible side effects.  I'd love to chat with anyone who's been through anything similar?  Current plan is 12 weeks of weekly chemo/immunotherapy sessions followed by sessions every 3 weeks for a further 12 weeks.  All support gratefully received. 

  • Hi   

    Thank you. I’m so sorry for your diagnosis and sorry that you need chemo. I’m glad it was ok initially and I hope it continues to stay that way. You’re on quite a journey. 

    I felt a lump and noticed the tissue felt different overall on that boob. The gp found another area too and referred me. I had an ultrasound first as I’m 39. But picked up 2 areas of concern so decided to do a mammogram. Then 6 biopsies. They said they weren’t sure if benign or malignant, probably benign. I find out Thursday. I was referred in Jan too for a lump in the other breast. They said after biopsy they were confident it was benign and expected the biopsies to confirm that. Which they did. 

    it was a different clinic this time and different consultant but they didn’t fill me with confidence this time and used the words malignancy and cancer which were never mentioned in January. I guess you can’t help but over analyse every little detail can you. 

    anyway lovely, I’m sending big hugs to you and I really hope everything goes well for you xx

  • Hi  Thank you for your reply. I know you shouldn’t compare. It’s hard not to without answers. 

    ao sorry you are going through this and really hope you recover well. I understand it’s going to be one hell of a journey for you but every week is one week completed. Sending big hugs lovely xx

  • Blimey Carol. Sounds eventful. As if having a positive result wasn’t bad enough. You’ve been through the wringer. 

    I hope you’re meeting with your consultant is positive and a new plan is put in place for you and I hope everything is ok for you in the long run. 

    sending hugs xx

  • Hi Lofty,

    awww I really hope that the concerns will turn out to be nothing, I know what you mean though with regards to how they were talking about it. After my appointment I kept thinking maybe i misheard what they said, or that they must say that to everyone, but when I’ve seen about a lump in the past (not breast) they told they didn’t think it was anything to worry about, this time I didn’t get that. But again this doesn’t mean that it will be anything to worry about.

    I really hope Thursday has good news for you I have everything crossed. They do say that only 2 in 10 turn out to be cancer so the odds are in your favour.

    Let us know how you get on and if you need to vent or talk just speak up, we’re all here for you.

    sending lots of love and luck xx

  • Thanks Lofty

    I've been to have my bloods done today, goodness they were testing for a lot!  Hopefully it will help them decide the next steps for me. 

    Am thinking of you and really hope Thursday turns out to be a good day for you.  Big hugs. xx

  • Good morning everyone.  How's everyone doing? 

    I had the week from hell last week but seem to be on the up now.  My treatment plan has changed from weekly to every 3 weeks, so I feel better about that.  Gives my poor body time to recover from each session. 

    I hope you're all well.   Been thinking of you all. 

  • Hi Carol,

    sorry to hear you had a bad week. Glad to hear you’ve finally got your treatment plan sorted, good to know you’ll have a longer recovery time.

    I’ve been ok, 3 chemo sessions down now, but I have had a really bad cold for the last 9 days and just can’t seem to shake it off, fed up of it now.

    hope everyone is ok xx

  • Hi Lebell. 

    So sorry to hear you've had a really bad cold.  I guess we're all a little more prone to it than usual with everything that's going on.  I passed out on Wednesday so was taken to A&E by ambulance and they kept me in overnight for observation.  My heart rate is constantly elevated and if I move too fast my body gets out of synch and it's "lights out" for a few seconds.  It scared the hell out of me, so am taking things much more slowly now.  I am definitely feeling much better than I did this time last week!  I'm hoping that's not going to be a regular occurrence after every treatment ... Oh and to add insult to injury, I also have neuropathy.  My body is not a happy bunny! 

    Hope you feel better soon xx

  • Hi Carol. I also have triple negative, stage 3...I am on same plan as you at the beginning. Had my first chemotherapy and immunotherapy last Wednesday..wasn't to bad..but then fatigue and sickness kicked in. But then got a uti and when I went for bloods yesterday, could not get any..passed out in the doctors and vomited for the rest of the day, so totally freaked out..had to.go hospital to have bloods done under ultrasound, so will see if all OK fir chemo tomorrow.....so I can totally understand how you feel. 

    Nice to know we are not alone and see the messages...

    I must admit I'm struggling with not being able to look after.everybody like usual. I'm 55 in 2 weeks. 

    Hope you feel better soon and they get your treatment back on track xxx

  • Hi Tib

    Sorry to hear your having a ruff time, 

    I have my 4th chemo cocktail tomorrow and although I haven't had too many side effects so far.  Headaches,  tired, and hair is all gone. I am really worried about tomorrow's treatment and  not sure y but I just can't sleep

    Hope everyone is OK