Diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer


I have recently been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and am about to embark on a fairly aggressive chemo/immunotherapy treatment plan.  Although the consultant I met with yesterday was lovely, it was a bit doomsday with all the possible side effects.  I'd love to chat with anyone who's been through anything similar?  Current plan is 12 weeks of weekly chemo/immunotherapy sessions followed by sessions every 3 weeks for a further 12 weeks.  All support gratefully received. 

  • Hi Carol1964,

    I'm sorry to hear of your situation, and I hope that the forum can be helpful for you during this time. We are always here for support if ever you need it, and I'm sure there will be many others here who can relate and who you can get support from. Hopefully you'll get some more replies here soon, but do of course browse or search the forum for other relevant discussions to join if you haven't already.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi carol im 38 and was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer just over a week ago, my oestrogen and HER2 are negative just awaiting the last one to confirm triple negative, I have my MRI booked for Tuesday and my insert fitted Wednesday for 12 weekly chemo sessions, I’m dreading chemo was hoping it would be a last resort. I hope your keeping ok xx

  • Hi Lebell,

    I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis.  Your treatment sounds very similar to mine.  Like you, I'm also dreading the chemo and thought it would be a last resort too when I got the diagnosis.  Unfortunately it seems mine is more aggressive than they originally thought, hence the aggressive chemo regime.  

    I've just booked my wig consultation and have ordered a pretty turban.  If you haven't done so already, please reach out to Macmillan, they have been amazing with me and have put some of my fears, not totally to rest, but reassured.  

    Good luck with the MRI.  If you are claustrophobic at all, please speak to your GP about getting a mild sedative to take on the day.  I wish I had known about it before mine!  The staff are amazing though and will put you at your ease and are extremely patient (they had to be with me lol).  

    I'm doing ok today, just trying to take it one day at a time.  What is the insert for if you don't mind me asking?  Is it the PIC line?  I have my pre-assessment appointment on Thursday (12th) and I suspect they will mention that for me too. 

    We can support each other through this.  My chemo starts on the 19th, so lets keep in touch and hold each others hands. xx

  • Hi,

    I was due to have surgery to remove the lump first, they got me in early (as I was due to go on holiday, now in Lanzerote ) but once they got the receptor results back they changed it to chemo first.

    can I ask where you had your wig consultation? Was it through the NHS or Macmillan? 

    I should be ok small spaces don’t tend to bother me too much, or at least they don’t usually haha.

    yes sorry I couldn’t remember what they called it, it’s the insert/pic line that they put the chemo through, I have another consultation with my oncologist on 16th and hoping I’ll have my chemo start date then.

    it will be good to go through it with somebody going through the same, it would be nice to be able to support each other xx

  • Hi carol1964, I hope your ok?

    just thought I’d let you know I’m due to start my chemo on 20th day after you so keep me posted on how it goes and if you have any tips or advice send it my way.

    thanks xx

  • Hi.  Oh that’s good you have a start date.  How are you feeling about it? 

    I’m doing ok thanks. I have a pre-chemo assessment with the nurses tomorrow so hope to get some questions answered and also hope they don’t delay my start date.  Getting fed up with waiting now.  The sooner it starts, the sooner it’s over.  I also have to have a heart scan next Tuesday.  Did you have one of those? I’ve no idea what to expect! 


  • Hi, yes I had my MRI yesterday, heart scan today, and I also have a kidney function test on Monday along with another meeting with my oncologist, then my PICC line insert is next Wednesday.

    I also missed a call from one of the nurses to make another appointment at 5:30, worried now as I don’t know what it’s for, hoping nothing was picked up on my MRI yesterday.

    I think the heart scan is just to make sure it’s strong enough for chemo, just a standard thing they do before. Xx

  • Goodness they’re moving you a lot faster than me!  It’s odd how each Trust has different approaches, but glad everything is going ahead quickly. We can compare notes next week.  I’m hoping nothing changes with regards to treatment start date after today’s or next Tuesday’s appointments.  Seems every time I go, something changes .. 

    Yeah the nurse did explain about the heart scan. Hopefully nothing will show up and I can progress.  As much as I don’t want it at all, I just want to get started.  The sooner it starts, the sooner it’s over! 

    Are you going to try the cold cap? I’m going to ask about it this afternoon. Xx

  • Yes they are so different in different areas, fingers crossed for you for today hopefully it’s all ok and remains the same.

    my oncologist explained the cold cap but he said it’s -4 degrees, no chance I’m bothering with that it would like having brain freeze type headache haha. Although a lot seem to have it, I think I’m just going to get a few wigs, my hair is really fine anyway so even if a little bit falls out it would look like most of my hair.

    good luck for today let me know how u get on x

  • Hi

    Yesterday went well.  The nurses were amazing and put my mind a bit more at ease.  I had a tour of the chemo treatment areas and it was reassuring to see everyone sitting up reading, chatting, texting etc and no-one looked "sick".  They have fitted me with a cold cap so I'll give it a go and see how I feel.  Like you, my hair is fine, so I have a wig consultation lined up and a trip to a wig shop with a friend in a week or so's time, as a backup plan!  So I'm feeling much better about it all and just want to get started so I can gauge how I'm going to feel a lot of the time and obviously the sooner it starts, the sooner it ends!  

    Did you manage to get in touch with the nurses from the missed call? 

    Carol x