Diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer


I have recently been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and am about to embark on a fairly aggressive chemo/immunotherapy treatment plan.  Although the consultant I met with yesterday was lovely, it was a bit doomsday with all the possible side effects.  I'd love to chat with anyone who's been through anything similar?  Current plan is 12 weeks of weekly chemo/immunotherapy sessions followed by sessions every 3 weeks for a further 12 weeks.  All support gratefully received. 

  • Hi Carol

    Yes dont panic the nurse'smedical staff were brilliant with her, and within minutes she was telling them she was fine.

    Still got bit of a headache but paracetamol is helping. Good luck for Thursday 


  • Hi Julles

    well, yesterday was a disaster.  I was quite happy in the cold cap, settled in with my book then treatment started and within seconds I was having a major adverse reaction to the Pac.  Emergency team called and sorted me out but it’s now back to the drawing board for me.  I am seeing my oncologist on Wednesday and hope he can come up with an alternative plan.  The way I feel right now, I just want it off. I cannot cope any more 


  • Oh no sorry to hear you had adverse reaction. That must have been scary.

    Hope you don't have to wait too long for an update for your treatment.

    Still experiencing headaches and feeling absolutely knackered, but trying to stay positive. 


  • Oh no carol im sorry to hear this :( I really hope you don’t loose faith in it.

    I had my first chemo session today, I hope they manage to get you sorted quick and find out what you maybe reacted to. I wouldn’t panic, I was talking to a lovely lady today who had a reaction to her second pack (so not always the first) they changed her chemo to weekly in smaller doses instead of longer 3 weekly, she’s been fine since.

    let us know how u get on and sending lots of love xx

  • Hi

    i have to say I’m really struggling today.  my regime was already weekly so I don’t know what else they can do.  Unless there are alternative drugs.  I only had 15ml administered and the reaction was within seconds.  I am still exhausted today and really don’t know why.  I am now so anxious about trying anything else.  It absolutely terrified me. 

    I’m so glad you gor on ok.  My body is just so super sensitive to any drug! 

  • Hi I'm sure you are not the first person to have had this happen. There must be alternatives try not to worry, I know that is easier said than done.

    Have you had opportunity to talk to cancer nurse, she may be able to help with your concerns. Hope you get some rest soon  Julles

  • So sorry to hear what all of you lovelies are going through at the moment.  I am of a similar age (40 in the next week) and just wondered what your symptoms were if you don’t mind me asking? Were you told they think it’s C at the end of your scans etc or did you not have a clue and only found out when receiving biopsy results?

    im just awaiting my results.  Xx

  • Hi Lofty22,

    sorry you also find yourself in this situation and the waiting is the worst.

    I found a lump on my leafy breast, I left it a few weeks incase it went away it was maybe hormonal, during this time I noticed when looking in the mirror once that when I clenched my fist my breast caved in on that area (puckering). So I seen my GP and she also felt the lump straight away, I was put on the 2WW and had my appointment a week later.

    they done an ultrasound first where they found a solid lump, then sent me for a mammogram and biopsy, they did tell me it looked very suspicious and didn’t look good, but said they had to wait for my biopsy results to confirm, the consultant I seen at the end mention how good care I would receive so I think they were already prepping me for bad news.

    I have stage 2 IDC and it’s triple negative, I had my first chemo on Friday and it was ok tbh, feel tired and a bit achy but waiting for the storm to hit lol.

    I have my fingers crossed for you hopefully it will all be fine and nothing to worry about. 

    what were your Symptoms if you don’t mind me asking? Xx

  • Hi Lofty22

    I found a lump in my breast that was a little bit tender to touch, I contacted doctor pretty much straight away.  I was sent for mammogram and biobsy within 2weeks.

    I was told that it looked suspicious, and that it was not only the lump that I could feel, but also a bigger area that required another biobsy and more involved mamogram. Also sent for a MRI to get a more detailed picture. I was informed that it was triple negative and will require surgery to remove. First they are trying to shrink whats there with 6months of chemo. Which I only started one week ago, its going to be a long journey. So far just tired and headaches. It is not easy when waiting to get results, but I can't fault the care I have received so far. 

    Hope you have results soon.x 

  • Hi Lofty22

    I found my lump when I had an itch!  As I scratched it, it felt a bit tender so I had a little prod around and felt a lump.  I went to my GP and she referred me for tests which included ultrasound and biopsy.  When I returned for my results about a week later, unfortunately they came back positive as cancer which was a total shock to me.  They didn't give any indication of possible outcome at the time of the tests.  A later MRI confirmed the size and location of the lump and a treatment plan was put in place.  Unfortunately I had a significant adverse reaction to the Paclitaxel on first treatment day so it had to be halted.  Am going back to my consultant on Wednesday to hopefully have a new treatment plan. 

    On a positive note though, I did try to cold cap and found it absolutely fine.  No denying it's cold, but I didn't find it painful.  I was quite chilled (literally lol) when it came to chemo administration time and was happily settled and munching on my NHS cheese sandwich but then it all went a bit pete tong.  My body is extremely sensitive to any new drug so please don't let me put you off.  There were 4 other people in the room having the same treatment and they were all absolutely fine.  I just like to test the emergency treatment protocols!