9 months post radiotherapy

I'm 9 months post treatment for tonsil cancer. Saliva is still an issue. I've been having Auricular accupunture which I think is helping a little or it could just be myself improving.

Anyone else having accupunture, if so, what type is it? Is it working? If so, do you know what points the acupuncturist is needling?

  • Hi Hazel 

    Sorry to hear about the covid (bloody nuisance). I hope the sun is shining at least. Thankyou so much Hazel for you quick and very very helpful response. I feel a lot better now that I know it's normal and I don't have to rush, I sort of feel shame when I keep saying to my grown up kids and extended family that I'm to tired to do this and that. So Thankyou once again I won't feel so bad now. I do hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Spain you most certainly sound fit enough. 
    the kindest regards



  • HinDebbie no problem no sun we've a 3 day storm apppeoaching. At minute we've a Saharan dust storm over head. Yes just because we get the no evidence of cancer response everyone expects we're back to normal. If only they woukd sit and thick where our treatment was and how brutal our treatment was. I printed the Peter Harvey article off and gave to people. Just because we look like we're back to normal in reality we're at the start if recovery. Tell people if you burn your mouth with a hit drink does it hurt them they say yes so say that's mine every minute if day. I remember in early days I used to say to hubby onky leave my mouth gets us whike I'm asleep but the minute I wake it's there again. 
    youlk get there just babybsteps 



  • Hi Hazel 

    Wow that sounds ominous, good luck with that. Your so right no one understands, it's quite a lonely business this recovery lark. That's a brilliant tip I will use that one ( the burnt mouth). I've just finished reading Peter Harvey article, what a fantastic insight he has, it's helped so much I cannot wait to show my family. I wonder if he too had cancer as well as being a doctor he seems to know so much. Once again Thankyou Hazel your like an encyclopaedia of information

    The kindest Regards 
