
Hi everyone,  just wanted to ask if anyone else feels depressed going through chemo I just can't seem to shake it!  I'm on antidepressants from the doctor which I take in the evening but I'm wide awake by 3am is it normal to feel like this?  Xxx

  • Hello Cat-lou

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with depression at the moment. I think given everything that you've been through over the past few months it's understandable that you're feeling as you are. It's a lot to take on board and process. 

    Have you had or been offered any psychological support by your GP or the cancer team at the hospital? I know that it can be a really difficult thing to ask for help but if you've not had any counselling then do speak to your GP or clinical nurse specialist to see what's available in your area. 

    Alternatively, I'd suggest getting in touch with your local Maggie's centre. I know that they will be happy to arrange for you to speak with someone about all that you've been through. You could also have a look at the Penny Brohn website which has lots of useful resources available. 

    Depression can leave you feeling very lonely but please know Cat-lou that you're not alone. The community is here for you any time you feel you want to chat, share or off-load things. You're also welcome to call our nruses to chat with them. I know they'll be happy to listen and offer any advice and support that they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I do hope that you're able to find the support that you need and that things improve soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator