When is this nightmare going to come to a conclusion

My mum got diagnosed mid Dec 2020 with spinal mets but they were not sure where the primary source was.  She had thyroid biopsy late Dec (not there) and in mid Jan 2021 had 4 hour spinal surgery to remove spinal lesions and insert metal rods to hold her back together.  They confirmed bowel cancer end of jan after a biopsy.  Radiology did a telephone appointment mid Feb saying they'd do radiotherapy on spine remnants then talk about chemo but patients with bowel cancer in the bone can live for many years.  So we thought it was a case of getting her through radiotherapy and chemo and life would go back to normal! Since the radiotherapy she has gone downhill massively.  She's eaten next to nothing for 4 weeks, had incontinence with diarrhea for 10 days which resulted in an emergency scan to check that it wasn't an infected abscess in the bowel.  The scan showed it had spread further along the colon and into the liver (but liver function remains unaffected). She's now completely bedbound with a catheter and may have had a small stroke (weakness on her right side but she's refusing to have a brain scan). Since surgery it's been like being on a roller coaster every single day.  No one will tell us where we are in this process (I know everyone is different). Is there any likely hood she will be mobile again or is she nearing the end?  She's actually quite lucid and seems to have improved slightly since remaining in bed (the past 5 days).  She gave up more or less as soon as she was told (in December) and had to be persuaded to have the spinal surgery.   


This whole process is so awful (not helped by thinking 2 months ago she'd make a reasonable recovery).  To make matters worse my dad also has cancer (untreatable and diagnosed 2 years ago), so I'm dreading having to go through this again in the future.  I feel like running away.  We have macmillan involved and they've arranged daily care to help.


Thoughts and advice welcome.  

  • Hi, I'm so sorry you are going through such a horrid time at the moment. 

    My mum also has bowel cancer, only diagnosed on the 20th February. On 25th she has a stroke in hospital. She seems to be recovering well from the stroke.  But we were told on the 3rd  march she had weeks not months. She has been fightening an infection but was allowed home to be made comfortable a couple weeks ago.  It's been so hard watching her struggle. She is bed bound with oxygen but uses a commode. 

    I can say that in some ways she has improved , her speech is better, and she will have the odd day where she is determined to walk to the other room. But as confusing as it may be. I know she will not get better. 

    She too has had diarrhea most of time now. She eats very little and what she does goes up or down. 


    I hope u get some answers soon. Is there someone medical u can ask ? Or talk to how Ur feeling. 

    I'm sorry u are going through it all.  It's so heartbreaking.  But don't lose hope x

  • Hi


    A similar thing happened to my mum.  She was 86 and had colon cancer.  As soon as she was told she gave up and took to her bed.  Even though he cancer was meant to be stage 3 she deteriorated quickly, sleeping all day not eating.  She only lasted 4 months from diagnosis.  They gave her a werk of radiotherapy and things got worse immediately after with incontinence which made her more tired and depressed.
    She died last month but I still question if it was the cancer or was the radiotherapy too much.  Or did she just give up?  Whenever I asked her she said she had no pain and did not know why she could not get out of bed.  
    She did develop some dementia like symptons near the end but this could have just been the dying process or maybe she had brain mets.  So many unanswered questions.
