I had surgery 1 Feb '20, tumour was taken out with clear ring around it, cancer had not spread to Lymph Nodes. It was Grade 1, slow grownig, 16mm at surgery, I'm 69, 70 in June. Consultant said risks of Radiotherapy not worth the benefits. Chemo was never on the cards. My cancer was/is not heredity, probably fuelled by Oestrogen - I was on HRT from age 48 - 59. The thought of all the side-effects of Anastrozole for !% extra benefit over 10 yrs - as I titled this message, I can't bring myself to take them.
Last week on 'Lorraine' - morning TV program - Dr Louise Newson, was talking about menopause and the need for Oestrogen, listing all the things a lack of Oestrogen can bring. A lot of these were the symptons of Anastrozole. Whilst I'll never go back on HRT, I can't help feeling my quality of life will be much worse if I take these tablets and rid my body of the remaining oestrogen. Would appreciate hearing other people's experiences / advice.