Hi ! :))
I'm coming up to my last chemotherapy in over a weeks time and I've been thinking about some tattoo ideas to get after I finish (and once I'm allowed to do so, haha). I've never had a tattoo before, and I want my first one to be something related to my cancer ironically enough.
I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma and now in the future I will need irradiated blood if I ever need a blood transfusion, and the only thing I have is the NHS blood & transplant card stating I need irradiated blood if I ever need one, and since I need this card for the rest of my life I thought it would be a good idea to get a tattoo somewhere in precaution I ever need a blood transfusion and I'm A) knocked out and can't communicate, or B) which is alot more likely, I lose the card.
something simple like a sign or just the words IRRADIATED BLOOD somewhere on my body seem like a good idea haha.